Microphone Haircut Man - Burr

Mark P Candey, otherwise known as Burr/Fat Git/Fat Knacker (delete as applicable) is an individual at my university who claims to have superior knowledge and powers to everybody else in the human race.

Here are some of his redeeming features/annoying habits:

If you want to know more about this person have a look at his homepage!

Alistair Pope!

Yes Mr Pope, if you're laughing at Burr now, you can wipe that smile off your face. One of my housemates last year, a certain fellow by the name of Alistair Pope used to eat enormous amounts of bourbons. Alistair's body put Arnold Scwarchzenegger's to shame, according to Alistair, and many a day Alistair would strut around the house with his T-shirt up, playing with his belly. In fact, one day Matt (another of my housemates) managed to get a photograph of Alistair juggling his belly! What Alistair didn't realise until now, that we still have that photo, even though he ripped it up!

So for your enjoyment, click here to see Alistair's belly!