I'm currently doing an industrial placement for my third year at Nortel Technology in Harlow (another place with an extreme lack of women and night-life!). My job involves loads of distributed programming in C++. It's quite interesting if somewhat vegetable-inducing on the brain!
When I finish at this establishment I go back to sunny Stafford for my final year. Yeah! You may think I'm being hard on Stafford, but it's the sort of place where your flatmate begins to look attractive!!!
This programme used to full of weak storylines and poor acting. That Sinclair bloke was dreadful, who knows where they dug him up from. Since Sheridan took over, we've had action, excellent storylines and more twists and turns than a Curlywhirly (a choccie bar). Roll on Season 4!!!!
If you've never seen Babylon 5, you've seriously missed out. It's much better than Star Trek. For a taster, go to the Lurkers Guide To Babylon 5. It's an excellent looking site, and is updated often and well maintained.
Liam Gallagher may be a complete arrogant git who talks in no more than 4 words, but they're music is great. All of these tunes are very catchy although in years to come people will laugh at them as people laugh at Status Quo now, i.e. the music sounding all the same.
Where's your next album Oasis? If they released it now, just before Christmas, they'd make a packet. But no, they're going to release it in the summer. Do you think you'll still be popular then lads? Anyway, they're great, so take a look at the Official Oasis Homepage.
He couldn't sing, he was off his head most of the time but he was the lead singer of the best band in the world, NIRVANA!!! Just a pity he blew his brains out everywhere, really.
Who could forget classics such as Lithium, Territorial Pissings and Smells Like Teen Spirit??! The songs were simple and the tunes were great with heavily distorted guitars. Yum!
Nirvana have recently released a new album, even though Kurt has been dead years. I've not heard it but I guess it's the stuff they didn't release before, so it's probably shite. I think the recordings are of Nirvana's live performances, so I'd steer clear. Everyone knows Nirvana couldn't perform live!! The album contains nothing new anyway.
Check out the (Un)Official Nirvana Homepage , it's got loads on it, pity about those horrible looking frames though...
There is something about the music that The Prodigy do that I can't put my finger on. It's really catchy, hass really loud bass and heavy distorted guitars. They sound excellent and I can't wait for their new album after Christmas.
In my opinion this has got to be the best comedy ever. With such witty quotes such as "I have a plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel!" and "Am I pleased to see you or do I have a canoe in my pocket!!!" this is the high of British Comedy. Support British Comedy and lets get that American rubbish off our screens that is not in the slightest bit funny.