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Click to enlarge - Christmas 98 Hello world, welcome to my personal page about myself. First, let me introduce myself, my name is Peter, and I live in Melbourne, Australia. Yes, that is me in the picture (left) - Christmas 98, at 7am - I arrived home at 2am that night, so please forgive my tired look :) I attend Carey Baptist Grammar School in my area. I have to say, my favourite subjects at school would have to be english, geography, history and science! :o) Curently, I am in Year 10 at Carey and enjoy each day. I have one beautiful dog named "Belle" (French for 'beautiful'). She is about 28 years old (doggy years) and is very cute. I live with my parents (Mum and Dad) and I am an only child. Some might say I am very lucky (which I am) and some might say I am not, personally I think it is a mix of both worlds. Since April 4th I have been surfing the web for about 2 years now, and have been with GeoCities for 1 year and 9 months. I am lucky enough to receive free GeoPlus because I am a Feature page, each amount of 'hits' I receive on my page, the more GeoPoints I receive. GeoPoints can be used for anything, paying for GeoPlus, buying the offical GeoCities T-shirt or even a GeoCities mouse pad! I have great pride for the Cape (CapeCanaveral) and really enjoy working with the Community Leaders to improve CapeCanaveral to be a better place for everyone. If you would like to help in anyway, please visit their page.

Click to enlarge - my laptop! I am very lucky to have my computer, which in my case is a laptop. My Toshiba Tecra 510CDT laptop is quite fast and has many 'add-ons' to go with it. Many I use it at school, for homework and on the internet. I can also access the internet at school through our intranet network which you can access from any room in the school. I strongly recomend laptops at school. It makes school heaps easier and I personally think it is the way of the future. Already, our year 7's have compulsory laptops in class, and with a great intranet service with everything you need on it, it is great!

Click to enlarge - scuba diving I have many hobbies that I enjoy to take part in. One of those are SCUBA Diving. I started to SCUBA Dive in the Summer of 1996 when my family took a trip to Bali. On a day trip out to the reef my father offered for me to try out SCUBA Diving, I could not pass off this chance so I strapped up my wet-suit the equipment and set off to the bottom of the ocean (21 meters - 70 feet). Before this I had many pool dives to about 3 meters deep (10 feet) so I was prepared for the dive. Since that first open sea dive, I have been on 17 dives all around the world (3 countries - including Australia, Bali and New Zealand). I am also a huge formula one fan(actic). I have been following the FIA Formula One Champtionship for 5 years. Over thoses five years I have seen many formula one champions rise and fall, as well as the ever changing cars. In most of those 5 years, I have always been cheering for Damon Hill (1996 Champion). This year he is driving in the Jodern Car (the only yellow car) with Ralf Shumacher (Michael's brother) as his team-mate. This year will be a very exciting year, with 2 major changes in the car. One of those major changes is that they are now using 'grooved' tyres which has 20% less rubber to the road than the old 'slick tyres. Another major change in the car is that the cars are 20 centimeters thinner than last years car. These rules/changes have been introduced this year to slow down the car. If you are interested in this subject please visit GP-World which contains heaps of pictures, interesting infomation and even screen savers that you can use on your computer.

Click to enlarge - Belle Yes, this is 'Belle' that I have been telling you about. She is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and her birthdate is on the 25th of March, 1995 at 9:45pm. She has a beautiful nature and very cute. Although she sheds hair everywhere in the house! :o)

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