1. Robert J. Henning, Yongxiang Li
Cocaine Produces Cardiac Hypertrophy by Protein Kinase C Dependent Mechanisms
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2. Jin Hong Liu, Sheng Wei, Thierry Lamy, Yongxiang Li, P. K. Epling-burnette, Julie Y Djeu and Thomas P. Loughran, Jr.
Blockade of Fas-dependent apoptosis by soluble Fas in LGL Leukemia
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3. P. K. Epling-Burnette, Jin Hong Liu, Robyn Catlett-Falcone, James Turkson, Marc Oshire, Ravi Kothapalli, Yongxiang Li,
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Inhibition of STAT3 signaling leads to apoptosis of leukemic large granular lymphocytes and decreased Mcl-1 expression.
Journal of Clinic Investigation 107(3): 351-62,2001
4. Thierry Lamy, Frank A. Bauer, Jin Hong Liu, Yong Xiang Li, Eric pillemer, Homayoon Shahidi, Ttephanie A. Gregory,
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Clinicopathologic Features of Aggressive Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia Resemble Fas Ligrand Transgenic Mice .
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5. Robert L Henning, Jose Silva, Vijaya Reddy, Seemat Kamat, Michael B. Morgan, Yongxiang Li, Shirley Chiou.
Cocaine Increases beta-Myosin Heavy-Chain Protein Expression in Cardiac Myocytes.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 5(4): 313- 322, 2000