Hi! My name is Fabio Cesari, I'm a 24 year old student of computer engineering at the University of Bologna, Italy.
I'm very interested in astronomy, chaotic systems and fractals. I like travelling, swimming, reading and playing my guitar, as well as surfing the web :-).

If you are a fan of the Hitch-Hiker's guide to the Galaxy, you can't miss this picture ;-)

Comments, suggestions, corrections and criticisms about this website are welcome. Please give me feedback.

March 24, 1999: DFG v0.34 is released! DFG is a distributed fractal generator written in Java. It addresses load balancing and fault tolerance issues. I wrote it along with my friend Massimo for the course of Computer Networks.

June 17, 1999: Euclid's Pyramid v1.0 is released! PE is a very simple program (written in Prolog) that uses artificial intelligence techniques to play against a human player. I wrote it for the course of Artificial Intelligence.

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