Welcome to Storage...
The table below depicts the hydraulic profile of my water treatment plant. The various elevations are listed (in feet) with respect to the philadelphia city datum. The datum is defined as zero elevation and is 5.5 feet lower than our intake at the river. The storage capacities are listed in MG (million gallons)..The residence (detention) times are listed in either hours, or minutes, and are noted in the table.The theoretical time for complete processing of potable water (@ an average of 65 M.G.D.) is ~ 34 hours for the High Service District, and 39 hours for the Gravity Distribution District.
Storage Location |
Capacity (Mgal) |
Residence Time (Avg) |
Primary Sedimentation |
72 Mgal |
22 Hrs |
Rapid Mix |
N/Applicable |
1 min |
Floc/Sedimentation Basin |
North |
6.0 Mgal |
4-5 hrs |
South |
8.0 Mgal |
4-5 hrs |
Rapid Sand Filters |
North |
0.7 Mgal |
20-30 mins |
South |
0.8 Mgal |
20-30 mins |
Weir Chamber |
N/A |
Clearwell |
1.8 Mgal |
35 mins |
Filtered Water Basins |
5.0 Mgal |
30 mins |
Monument Road Reservior |
16.8 Mgal |
4-6 hrs |
The above detention times are mearly an average based on a rate of 65 MGD. Rate & Detention Time are inversely proportional to each other. Therefore, as the rate increases, the detention times decrease. As the rate decreases, the detention times increase.
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