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About Institute of Air Transport

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This page last modified 1 October 1999


 The Institute of Air Transport Ltd. is a private consultancy company with its major activities focused on elaboration of regulation acts, strategic and technological studies, design and constructor’s work, privatization evaluations and ecological research in the field of air transport and airport businesses.

 From 1971 - the year it was established untill 1991 the company functioned under State control within the framework of the former Bulgarian Civil Aviation “BALKAN”.

 In 1991 the Institute of Air Transport was transformed into a State-owned commercial company operating as such till 1997, when it was successfully privatized through management buy-out. Since 1997 the Institute has been functioning as a private organization with its new owner - the “Institute of Air Transport - 71” JS Co.

 Over the past years the Institute of Air Transport Ltd. has increased its professional capacity for solving specific tasks such as drafting  regulation acts required by the National Air Navigation Legislation, rendering consultancy to the master planning works, airport and aviation management, implementation of strategic and regional projects, elaboration of economic and financial studies, privatization evaluations, auditing, specialized ecological research.

 Acting as official consultant of the Ministry of Transport and assisting various economic institutions and organizations, the Institute of Air Transport Ltd. has gained an important coordination role and experience with respect to the civil aviation, airport planning and construction, transport infrastructure development and related project implementation.

 Along with the big specialized information bank and unique documentation at the disposal of the Institute of Air Transport Ltd., one of the company’s most valuable asset is represented by its highly professional permanent staff, and its capability for the realization of specific tasks and projects to involve experienced and qualified experts.

 At present, the Institute of Air Transport Ltd. has become a most valuable partner for the Bulgarian and foreign companies operating on the domestic aviation market and an adviser for those intending to do their business or develop investment strategy in the country, realizing at the same time a dynamic international co-operation with leading foreign companies and consultancy firms.

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Research & Services
In the recent years  the Institute of Air  Transport has become quite experienced in working out aviation operations and airport  researches and feasibility  studies in co-operation with leading foreign consultants as Sir William Halcrow & Partners, SH&E, YRM, Mott MacDonald Ltd,  ANSA - International Advisory Group Air Navigation Services, Landrum & Brown, GTZ, etc.As an official consultant of the Ministry of Transport the Institute of Air Transport fulfilled consultancy and assisting duties for the feasibility studies for the New Sofia airport development of 1972-19974 and 1993. Under this role the Institute of Air Transport gained experience in providing for the coordination with various institutions and organizations involved in airport planning and construction.

The Institute of Air Transport was  licensed by the Privatization Agency in 1993 to make the evaluation of real estate property, machines and facilities and of total enterprises. The Institute of Air Transport possesses the practical experience in reevalu-ation of the assets and liabilities of more than 30 enterprises mainly in the transport sphere including all the Bulgarian civil airports.

The specialists of the Institute of Air Transport are familiar with the methodology and the ways for defining the basic amount of airport charges and fees in accordance with the ICAO recommendations. They are also experts in achieving the necessary compliance of the active in this country economic and accountancy regulations with the international standards. The Institute of Air Transport is well experienced and has the necessary specialists for studying the aircraft, passenger and cargo traffic and for making reliable forecasts of  airport traffic. Three research associates of the Institute of Air Transport have the Certificate for graduating the IATA trained course in airport  planning and development.


Aviation Economics and Finance

Airport Planning
Airport Design
Airport Structuring & Management
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Information Technologies

The Institute of Air Transport has a vast experience in the development and implementation of application software tailored for the specific needs of the civil aviation. The Institute's computer center has at its disposal a Windows NT-based WAN, with a number of 486/586 workstations. The national air carrier Balkan Bulgarian Airlines, Sofia Airport and a number of some other leading Bulgarian companies are among the established clients of the computer centre.

The following progects and information systems have been developed and implemented by the Institute of Air Transport:

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Legislative Acts

In the recent years the Institute of Air Transport gained practical experience in the elaboration of the active official regulations for the functioning of the modern Bulgarian aeronautics as well as for the airport services, the air  traffic services  and  the  services provided by  the  air carriers. The necessary experience for the purpose was searched, studied and summarized including the experience in the activities structurally connected with the airport functioning in the major European countries and USA. The Institute's specialists have gathered and studied thoroughly an enormous information concerning the modern solving of flight security problems at the airports in Europe and worldwide.

The Institute of Air Transport specialists know the Bulgarian legislature, regulations and practices perfectly well and they  are able to match the National legislature and practices with all the international airport, aeronautical and information services requirements and are perfectly competent in Bulgarian legislature and regulations and they are able to draft the necessary bills and other documents for regulating the today's airport practices in this country.

The active Regulations For The Airport Service (the Bulgarian version of documents to comply with the ICAO official airport requirements) have been made by the Institute of Air Transport. The Institute of Air Transport has made also the active REGULATIONS 1312 for the airport and air navigation charges and fees.

The following legislative acts have been elaborated by the Institute of Air Transport for harmonising of the Bulgarian normative base in the field of air transport:

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Recent Projects

In the recent years the Institute of Air Transport actively contributed to the following projects within the Bulgarian Aviation:

Project title


Sofia Airport Improvement of technology & organisation of operations for ground handling of aircraft.
Ministry of Transport Working out of air transport standards for passenger services.
Sofia Airport Automated informational and technological system “Airport handling of aircraf”
Bulgarian Civil Aviation Ltd. Organisational & technological provision of the joint operation of Sofia Airport and Plovdiv Airport
Sliven City municipality Provision of cargo carriages on domestic lines from Sliven Airport (a feasibility study)
Ministry of Transport Regulation 1312 for payment against services of ATC and of the Bulgarian airports.
Ministry of Transport New approaches in the state regulation of civil aviation in Bulgaria in connection with the creation of a common market of the countries in the EEC. Stage P-2. Developing the concept for the national policy in the civil aviation sector.
Ministry of Transport Sofia Airport traffic forecast up to 2020.
Air Traffic Services Authority, European Investment Bank ATSA Financial study.
Ministry of Transport Bourgas Airport feasibility study.
Hornet, Bulgaria Feasibility study for establishing a company for aircraft ground handling.
Ministry of Transport Regulation for the emergency & rescue provision of flights at the civil airports.
Ministry of Ecology, Ministry of Transport Master Plan for the development of Sofia Airport. Environmental impact appraisal
Ministry of Ecology, Ministry of Transport Varna Airport. Environmental impact appraisal.
Varna Airport Environmental assessment of alternative options for moving Varna Airport to another site
Varna Airport Studying the apron lighting at Varna Airport.
Gorna Orjahovitsa Airport Design of terminal interior spaces
Variant -ABB Defining the marketing strategy of the company up to 2000.
Air Traffic Services Authority Revaluation of long term tangible assets
Air Traffic Services Authority Internal organisation of the financial and accounting system.
Ministry of Defense,Ministry of Transport A conception for the preparation, mobilization deploying and operational and tactical use of the Bulgarian civil aviation.
Ministry of Transport,

Ministry of Defense

Prefeasibility studies for developing an automated military-civil system for air traffic control.
Ministry of Transport Law on Civil Aviation in co-operation with GTZ - Germany
Ministry of Transport Regulation for airport certification and licensing of airport enterprises and operators.
Ministry of Transport Directive for the airport service.
Ministry of Transport Regulation for aircraft airworthiness.
Ministry of Transport Feasibility study for Sofia Airport construction (elements).
Bulgarian Civil Aviation Ltd. Alternative options for Varna Airport development. Prefeasibility studies.
Ministry of Transport, Air Traffic Services Authority Regulation for flight permissions (clearances).
Ministry of Transport Privatisation valuation of Pleven Air Ltd.
Ministry of Transport Privatisation valuation of Vratsa Air Ltd.
Ministry of Transport Financial plan for the development of Bourgas Airport.
Ministry of Transport Regulation for collecting statistical information in civil aviation.
Sofia Airport A project for improving the organisational and management system.
Sofia Airport A project for determining the individual salaries of the workers and officials at Sofia Airport.
Sofia Airport A project for apron repair.
Sofia Airport Varna Airport Projects for day-light marking.
Balkan Airlines Preparation of materials for restructuring of Balkan Bulgarian Airlines; financial study, business plan and project for restructuring.
Ministry of Ecology A project for operation and location of a monitoring system in regions impacted by noise from Sofia International Airport.
Balkan Airlines, Hemus Air Airlines Analysis and appraisal of the interaction between Balkan Airlines and Hemus Air Airlines.
Balkan Airlines Automated system for gathering statistical information.
Balkan Airlines Technology for re-conservation of hydraulic units of cargo aircraft systems.
Ministry of Transport Law on Civil Aviation in co-operation with GTZ - Germany
Ministry of Transport Working out of air transport standards for passenger services.
Ministry of Transport Regulation 1312 for payment against services of ATC and of the Bulgarian airports.
Ministry of Transport Regulation for the emergency & rescue provision of flights at the civil airports.
Ministry of Transport Regulation for airport certification and licensing of airport enterprises and operators.
Ministry of Transport Regulation for certifying and licensing of aviation operators in co-operation with GTZ Co. - Gramany.
Ministry of Transport Directive for the airport service.
Ministry of Transport Regulation for aircraft airworthiness.
Ministry of Transport, 

Air Traffic Services Authority

Regulation for flight permissions (clearances).
Ministry of Transport Regulation for collecting statistical information in civil aviation.
Ministry of Transport New approaches in the state regulation of civil aviation in Bulgaria in connection with the creation of a common market of the countries in the EEC. Stage P-2. Developing the concept for the national policy in the civil aviation sector.
Ministry of Transport Sofia Airport traffic forecast up to 2020.
Ministry of Defense,Ministry of Transport A conception for the preparation, mobilization deploying and operational and tactical use of the Bulgarian civil aviation.
Sofia Airport Improvement of technology & organisation of operations for ground handling of aircraft.
Bulgarian Civil Aviation Ltd. Organisational & technological provision of the joint operation of Sofia Airport and Plovdiv Airport
Sliven City municipality Provision of cargo carriages on domestic lines from Sliven Airport (a feasibility study)
Ministry of Transport Regulation 1312 for payment against services of ATC and of the Bulgarian airports.
Ministry of Transport Bourgas Airport feasibility study.
Varna Airport Studying the apron lighting at Varna Airport.
Gorna Orjahovitsa Airport Design of terminal interior spaces
Ministry of Transport Feasibility study for Sofia Airport construction (elements).
Bulgarian Civil Aviation Ltd. Alternative options for Varna Airport development. Prefeasibility studies.
Ministry of Transport Financial plan for the development of Bourgas Airport.
Sofia Airport A project for improving the organisational and management system.
Sofia Airport A project for determining the individual salaries of the workers and officials at Sofia Airport.
Sofia Airport A project for apron repair.
Sofia Airport Varna Airport Projects for day-light marking.
Air Traffic Services Authority, 

European Investment Bank

ATSA Financial study.
Air Traffic Services Authority Internal organisation of the financial and accounting system.
Ministry of Defense,Ministry of Transport A conception for the preparation, mobilization deploying and operational and tactical use of the Bulgarian civil aviation.
Balkan Airlines Preparation of materials for restructuring of Balkan Bulgarian Airlines; financial study, business plan and project for restructuring.
Balkan Airlines, Hemus Air Airlines Analysis and appraisal of the interaction between Balkan Airlines and Hemus Air Airlines.
Balkan Airlines Automated system for gathering statistical information.
Balkan Airlines Technology for re-conservation of hydraulic units of cargo aircraft systems.
Air Traffic Services Authority Revaluation of long term tangible assets
Ministry of Transport Privatization evaluation of Pleven Air Ltd.
Agency for Privatization Privatization evaluation of Incoms Telecom Holding
Agency for Privatization Privatization evaluation of Balkan Airlines aviation parc.
Airports:  Revaluation of long-term tangible assets.
Ministry of Ecology, Ministry of Transport Master Plan for the development of Sofia Airport. Environmental impact appraisal
Ministry of Ecology, Ministry of Transport Varna Airport. Environmental impact appraisal.
Airports: Varna, Gorna Orjahovitsa, Vidin, Targoviste, Rousse, Stara Zagora, Silistra, Air Dobrich, Pleven Air, etc. Revaluation of long-term tangible assets.
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