This amp is in prototype state as somw
of the other amps on my pages, had some problems
with the R...... 6BQ5. 1 of them didn't run
at all. The second died 5 minutes after first usage
(loosen screen grid) . Was it bad luck or
the quality ? The only thing at the moment I sure
about; the driver and phase shifter stages
the Telefunkens E88CC out of my treasure box
are working great probably i'll modify my
tube preamp also sometimes but there's the story
with the filament. And i don't like to redesign
the power supply maybe i connect left and right
channel filament in daisy chaine Adam Riese
said a long time ago 2 * 6.3 volts =12.6 volts ;-)
For any ideas or questions send
Last modified 29.10.99 by Erich
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