The links below Take you to worlds where you can actually rotate and zoom into some fructans.
In order to see them, you do need some software however. The program you need is LIVE3D, which is a plugin from Netscape. But if you've got that than please enter The very first Virtual Fructan Worlds.
The links below give you the molecules in cpk mode.
Fructose The basic building block of fructans
Glucose Every fructan begins with a glucose (part of the sucrose molecule)
1-Kestose The smallest fructan of the inulin type
6-Kestose The smallest fructan of the levan type
6,6&1 kestopentaose A small fructan of the mixed type
The links below give you the molecules in ball and stick mode.
Fructose The basic building block of fructans
Glucose Every fructan begins with a glucose (part of the sucrose molecule)
1-Kestose The smallest fructan of the inulin type
6-Kestose The smallest fructan of the levan type
6,6&1 kestopentaose A small fructan of the mixed type