Here you can find simple information about simple 3D programs. Unlike the rest of the webpage, this stuff is unchanged. I just couldn't be bothered...
If you define axes x,y,z then the 3 transformations for rotating about
these axes by an angle 't' are (the actual expansions of them really):
X = x (unchanged)
Y = y * cos (t) - z * sin (t)
Z = y * sin (t) + z * cos (t)
X = x * cos (t) - z * sin (t)
Y = y (unchanged)
Z = x * sin (t) +z * cos (t)
X = x * cos (t) - y * sin (t)
Y = x * sin (t) + y * cos (t)
Z = z (unchanged)
Those equations are just standard 3*3 matrix transformations expanded
out. The 3 sets of equations rotate point (x,y,z) about the axis and give
result (X,Y,Z).
These next equations convert point (x,y,z) in (X,Y) for displaying
on a monitor.
distance = sqr ( x² + y² + z²)
mag = distance / perspective (perspective is just a constant, and sets
the scale of the image)
X = cx + (x / mag)
Y = cy + (y / mag)
where cx = ScreenSizeX / 2 & cy = ScreenSizeY / 2
3D stars program in Qbasic This is a 3d star field
3D dot cube program in Qbasic This program makes a big 3D cube out of dots and spins it. Also includes information about 3D implementation
Nice wibbly sinewavey type thing This makes
a nice wibbly sinewave type thing.