All the software I used was shareware and obtained from the www.
My antenna is made from 4 car aerials which I purchased from the local scrap yard for an extortionate price. If you do this, be sure that each aerial is not only long enough (which it ought to be), but also of the same diameter as the other 3. The collapsible nature of these aerials enables the antenna to be folded away for stowage, as well as being able to vary the length of the rods, either to tune it to another band - e.g. 2m or to fine tune the performance.
Phasing co-ax length = wavelength / 4
= velocity / (137.5M * 4) = 1 / (L0 * C0 * 550M) (in m)
Where L0 and C0 are inductance and capacitance per unit length of the
co-ax, related by 75 = sqrt (L0 / C0). (Get these numbers from the data
Alternatively, If you know the velocity factor (around 60-70%) then the length is given by
Length=[300*Velocity_Factor/137.5]/4 = 0.545 * Velocity_Factor (in m)
The length is about 35cm - check for you co-ax
though! Add a couple of cm on to this length to allow the ends to be stripped
Bonus if you have a network analyser - put a connector on one end of a length of coax (perhaps 50cm), and carefully calibrate the analyser for a one port measurement (50R calibration is ok in this case). Connect the coax to the analyser and view the phase of the port impedance. Chop small bits of the coax off and observe the points where the phase goes from -pi/2 to +pi/2. These points occur at odd quarter wavelengths, and move up in frequency as the line gets shorter. Keep cutting until the first of these points is just below 137MHz, (ie the coax is a bit too long).
This works because an open circuit TL has impedance Z=-j.Z0.cot(2*pi*l) where l is the length of the coax measured in wavelengths. This shows that an open circuit TL always has an imaginary impedance, and that the phase changes abruptly every quarter wavelength. (This assumes that the loss in the coax is very small. A fair assumption for a short length of coax working at low frequencies.)
The wooden cross is constructed such that the whole thickness is 25mm, i.e. each wood block has a 25*25*12.5 slot in the centre, where they meet. This makes for a stronger assembly, ensures that the arms are at 90 degrees (use a T square!), and makes a neater finish. The grooves are filed down the topside of one set of arms, and the bottom side of the other two arms. This allows the two halfwave dipoles to be kept apart slightly, which eases construction. The fact that the two dipoles are offset by 20mm or so in the vertical direction does not affect performance.
Affix the 4 rods to the wooden cross using cable ties, doing them up
loosely. Strip and tin the phasing co-ax by about one cm on each end. Strip
and tin the 50 ohm co -ax by about 1 cm at the antenna end (fit a suitable
plug to the other end). Now solder the 50 ohm co-ax to the 75 ohm co-ax,
matching up the centre and braid in each case. you should now have a single
long cable, with a join 50 cm from the free end. Insert the braid part
of the free end under one of the topside antenna rods, and pull its cable
ties very tight. Likewise fix the centre conductor under the other topside
antenna rod. Turn over the cross with the rods attached, and fix on the
two remaining connections in the same manner. These two are quite fiddly
as the length of tinned conductor is short, and the co-ax is stiff. When
all 4 rods are connected, push each one in towards the centre, such that
180 degree opposite rods are as close together as possible without touching.
Ensure that the screws holding the cross together are not touching the
rods, paint the wooden cross if there is any chance of this happening.
Finally, fix another long length of 25*25 hardwood to the centre cross
between two of the side arms. This arm is just to fix the antenna to a
The photos may help to show what to do!
Note, the polarity of the wires on the antenna rods does matter - One way round gives right-hand circular polarisation, the other left-hand. Unfortunately, I'm not sure which is which! The antenna didn't appear to perform differently either way round.
A network analyser would be rather handy at this stage, but I don't have one at home, and I don't have the antenna here in London to take into university with me. If you have one, get tuning!
I have also obtained as good, if not better results using a 1/2 wave dipole antenna. I mounted it horizontally, with the arms perpendicular to the motion of the satellite (ie aligned NE/SW at my latitude). I also made a small ballun using a ferrite core from a TV modulator and skinny copper wire. This isolates the unbalanced co-ax cable from the balanced antenna, and improves the radiaition pattern. Of course, the transfomer introduces some insertion loss, and again I haven't yet measured this on a network analyser. One day.
Received in Harrogate, UK during the summer of 1998, and decoded using WxSat.
Image 1 - NOAA 14. Note the visibility of Lake Geneva.
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4- Both channels shown, both visible light (left) and IR
(right). This imaged received late at night, notice the lack of contrast
compared with Image 1, and the highlighting of the edges of the clouds.