Observações publicadas na IAU/CBAT
Aqui você pode ver minhas observações que foram publicadas nas circulares da IAU/CBAT.
International Astronomical Union Circulars
- IAUC 6714: V1333 Aql; C/1997 N1; C/1997 J2; C/1995 O1
- IAUC 6741: PSR 0950+08; C/1995 O1
- IAUC 6963: 1E 1740.7-2942; N Sgr 1998; C/1998 J1
- IAUC 6991: 1998dk; C/1998 P1
- IAUC 7193: V382 Vel; SNe
- IAUC 7203: C/1999 H1; V382 Vel
- IAUC 7209: 1999cq; N IN NGC 6822; V382 Vel; C/1999 H1
- IAUC 7225: N Aql 1999; GRB 990712
- IAUC 7236: N IN M31; V382 Vel; R CrB; CCO 1999
- IAUC 7616: C/2001 A2; 2001bb
- IAUC 7630: 2001bq; C/2001 A2
- IAUC 7645: 2001cp; 2001ck; 2001cm; C/2001 A2
- IAUC 7719: 2001ej; 2001ek; V4739 Sgr; V4740 Sgr
- IAUC 8089: Sats OF JUPITER; 2003bo, 2003bp,, 2003bq; C/2002 V1
- IAUC 8185: PECULIAR Var IN Cru; 2003hm
- IAUC 8238: 2003jv, 2003jw, 2003jx,, 2003jy; NOVAE IN M31; C/2003 T3
- IAUC 8284: IRAS 05436-0007; 2003lu, 2003lv; C/2001 Q4
- IAUC 8332: P/2004 H3; 2004am; C/2001 Q4
- October's Ideal Lunar Eclipse (Sky&Telescope)
- The Moon Goes Dark (Sky&Telescope)
- November's Lunar Eclipse (Sky&Telescope)
- Analysis of Lunar Eclipse Images from Brazil-Theodore Lunar Observatory
- May 15/16, 2003 Lunar Eclipse Gallery - Spaceweather/NASA
- Nov 8/9, 2003 Lunar Eclipse Gallery - Spaceweather/NASA
- Observed Brightness of the Moon during the Total Lunar Eclipse on Nov. 08-09 2003 By Helio C. Vital (REA/Brasil)
- Analysis of Observations of the Lunar Eclipse of 2003 November 9
by Byron Soulsby - Theodore Lunar Observatory
- Analysis of Images from the Lunar Eclipse of 2003 November 9 by Byron Soulsby - Theodore Lunar Observatory