Cool games to choose

Unable to display imageDescent 2 by paralax software is a 3d Doom type game,but you are in a small attack spaceship trying to destroy some cool robots.In Descent 1 your mission goal was to destroy all the enemy robots on more than 30 mineral mines in different planets,but some stranger things just happen, some of the robots survived and they were multiplicated whit other of them ,your mission is to destroy all the enemies to make sure that there will not another attack.Descent 2 offers cool graphics and excelent sound effects, and the game takes advantage of the Pentium proccesor. Andcome whit new enemies and amazing weapons.

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Advance Tactical Fighters Ea & Jane's join forces to improve the graphics engine of Us Navy Fighter,the game offers a variety of new aircrafts that carries the most modern equipment of the world, like the radar stealthy B2 bomber, the Eurofighter 2000, YF-23.... Some problems that US navy Fighters haved were corrected in ATF like some objects that disappeared,skycrapers,trees,and the background. A special option of ATF is that you can play head to head whit a network or modem, ATF programmers work hard to perfom the multiplayer feature, the conclusion was a smoothing game over modem. But like other games you will need a Pentium 100 whit 16 mb of ram to play ATF like you wanted and a 14400 or faster modem.

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Duke Nukem 3dfor the doom fans that wanted to make all they want on a 3d shooter game,Duke Nukem 3d is the right options for you,the gameplay is one of the most adictive thing in duke nukem 3d,you can drink water,go to the bathroom,jump, fly whit a jetpack....There are three type of graphics resolutions, and the best multiplayer gameplay available, Duke Nukem 3d is compatible whit Kali and Ten. The game have awesome graphics in a Pentium 75 whit 8 mb of ram and the sound if excelent.

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Return Fire Destroy,destroy,destroy is what this game offers, the objetive of RF is to take the flag of the other army team ,is it hidden in one of the many bunkers, to achieve this goal you will have 4 type of army weapons like tank,chopters,missile launchers,and the jeep to carry the flag to the homebase.The classical music and the sounds were the best I ever hearded in military actions game, and there are more than 400 different worlds!!!.In my opinion this game was so adictive that whit the shareware version you can play weeks after buying the registered version.

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