Genetic Improvement of Economic Relevant NOTHOFAGUS
 Versión Español

 Nothofagus species considered:

Nothofagus alpina, "raulí"

Nothofagus obliqua, "roble"

The project goals are:

Establishment of seed producer areas

Selection of superior trees

Establishment of progeny and provenance tests

Establishment of clonal seed orchards and clonal banks

Definition of a genetic improvement strategy for short and medium term.

Organizations and institutions involved:

Universidad Austral

Instituto Forestal

Corporación Nacional Forestal

Empresas Forestales

The main sponsor is from FONDEF

The team is conform by:

Braulio Gutiérrez Caro, Substitute Director
Rodrigo Vergara Lagos
Maria Paz Molina
Verónica Emhart Schmidt, Technical Manager
Andrés Bello
Mauricio Navarrete
Mauricio Villegas
Germán Clasing
Claudio Donoso Zegers, Consultant
Hans Grosse, Consultant
Luis Apiolaza Zuñiga, Consultant
Tomas Monfil, Consultant
Roberto Ipinza Carmona, Director



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