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Manu's wearing mirror sunglasses :-)

Hello, lucky surfer,

I'm a 24-year old male student in Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino. My home town, which is Torino, is settled in the North-Western Italy, in a plain surrounded by the chain of the Alps, quite close to France and Switzerland. 

I have some experience in working with computers, mostly with multimedia tools and the Internet. I'm involved in some web site projects as an HTML page designer. Here you have some links to what I have realized and I'm still working on. 

I'm a member of the Torino Nord-Ovest Rotaract Club and its District 2030 (for Piedmont and Aosta Valley). The Rotaract is a worldwide organization which groups young people, aged between 18 and 30, devoted to solidarity and human comprehension, and is affiliated to the widely known Rotary International. 

My favourite sports are biking and skiing, and my favourite hobbies are computer music and video making.

E-Mail : angelinem@tin.it, angel-heart@geocities.com

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