We support BLINK-free pages. This page last updated 03 SEP 1997 |
Flying!Here is some general aviation information for Oahu, be sure and verify rates with the individual companies:FLIGHT SCHOOL HAWAII - Ground SchoolVisit their WEBSITE Eveland Aero Flight Instruction, Aircraft Rental, Aerial Photography 104-D Lagoon Drive, Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 833-2113 This is from their current brochure: Rentals (wet rates): Cessna 150 $50.00 + tax Cessna 152 $50.00 + tax Cessna 172 $70.20 + tax Sparrowhawk $54.00 + tax (tax is 4% here) Checkout requirements for Aircraft Rentals 1- If not a graduate of Eveland Aero, pilot must have a minimum of 75 hours TOTAL and 25 hours in make and model. 2. One hour ground instruction, one hour local flight (minimum, cross-country flight to Molokai, Lanai and Maui, with a minimum of three landins at Molokai and Lanai. (The instructor conducting the checkout may require additional landings to insure that the pilot has the required proficiency.) - My understanding: If you want to fly local Oahu, which is nice - you only need an hour local flight. The other flight/landings for Molokai & Lanai are if you want to do cross-country flights (Molokai North shore is beautiful!) Another Place: Air Service Flight Academy 90 Nakolo Place Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 836-3106 They focus more on servicing aircraft, fuel and turnaround. I'm not sure were they would get a plane for flight instruction. Other places (from the phone book): Cosmo Flying School Mostly Pipers. But, they may have a Cessna now. 100 Kaulele Place (808)836-1076 Petrides Aviation Inc. 99 Iolana Place (808)834-7100 I heard they have Cessna's Probably similar in cost and "rules" as Everland Aero Aviation Links Plane Pics An Air Traffic Controllers Page Hawaiian Airlines Aloha Airlines The FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) Article on Dillingham Airfield, Hawaii.
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