THE ASTRONAUT RESOURCES < FLASH ©1996 Sausage software>


I have created this site as a resource for Astronaut-related information. Feel free to browse through the contents, and absorb what  you can.

The 21st century promises to be an exciting challenge for future Astronauts to live and work in space. Scientists, engineers, technicians and specialists will all play a vital role in the ongoing construction-process as well as the eventual habitat and operation of the international manned space station.

Furthermore, the manned mission to Mars looms, as well as a promised return to the resources of the moon. Needless to say, the next generation of astronauts will have to be skilled in a wide variety of specialized fields, and fluent in 2 or more languages (international collaboration will be central to all upcoming projects in space).

I created the ASTRONAUT RESOURCES with the purpose of sharing some of what I know with anyone interested in space exploration, or any aspiring candidates out there.
I hope that after reading what I have to offer you in these pages, you will have a clearer understanding of what it takes to become an astronaut, and live as one.


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Kris Botha.
Copyright © 1996 by [Enternet Works Inc.]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 1998/07/01.


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