Larry's Genealogy Page
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I am engaged in genealogy research on three groups of family names, related to three areas of my life. The first involves my own ancestors, the second involved my children's mother's (my ex-wife's) ancestors, and the third involves my current wife's ancestors. These family trees are represented below; please feel free to explore and contact me if we are researching the same family lines.

Please note that, to protect the privacy of those individuals who are still living, I have substituted " - living - " for key dates and other sensitive information.

- This is my family tree,

- This is my children's maternal family tree,

- This is my wife's family tree

The following smaller file presents a listing of my children and grandchildren. Check it out.

- These are my children and my grandchildren.,

Also please feel free to search through the following ancestor's surnames; those surnames in blue are linked to names of individuals with that surname, and I have significant information about quite a number of additional members of those families whose names appear bold in the list below:

Abrahamsen, Alexander, Allen, Alsop, Alwood, Arnold, Ashley, Askew, Aylesbury, Badlington, Baldwin, Barnett, Beere, Birdsey, Blizzard, Bowers, Bowlinge, Bradshaw, Bradstreet, Bingham, Bristol, Broom, Brown, Brummett/Brummitt, Bryan, Christensen, Collinridge, Conway, Crosby, Davis, de Braoise, Denton, de Quincy, de Spenser, de Ufford, de Verdun, Dexter, Dormer, Dorman, Dorre, Draper, Dudley Edwards, Ferrier/de Ferrier, Fitzalan, Frazier, Freville, Geitgey/Gottge/Goettge, Gilbert, Goodwin, Greenway, Gundersen, Hall, Hardenbrook, Harrell, Henderson, Hickok/Hickox, Hickstal, Hine, Holmes, House, Houston, Hudson, Jensen, Johnson, Jones, King/Kinge, Kuhlewein, Lamb, Lane, Latin, Launcelyn, Longhorne, Lum, Martin, Matthews, McClure, McGee, McLin, McMurray, Metsker, Minster, Monyaque, Moore, Muzzy, Nelson, Pedersdatter, Perveral, Phillips, Pleasant, Plumb/Plume, Pooke/Apuke, Porter, Pritchard, Putnam, Reed, Ribble, Riggs, Rooker, Roosa, Runnels, Russell, Salsbury/Salsberry/Saltzborger, Seaman, Shearer, Shelton, Simonsen, Smith, Smythe/Smythe-Simkinson, Sperry, Stahl, Strickland, Strupp, Tomlinson, Turner, Upson, Watkins, Wells/Willis, Wendlbank, West, Whaley, Whitehead, Winston, Wodeworth, Woodson, and Young.

Please feel free to e-mail me about any of these (see my e-mail address on the main page):


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Larry E. Gundersen, Ph.D.

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