After graduating from Van Buren High School (Van Buren, Ohio),
I was trained as a biochemist, with a B.S degree from Bowling Green
State University (Ohio), a M.S. from the University of Illinois
(Urbana), and a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa (Iowa City).
Visit Van Buren High School
Visit Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green State University Chemistry Department
Visit the University of Illinois
Visit the University of Iowa
University of Iowa Biochemisty Department
For the last 28+ years, I have worked in the pharmaceutical industry, primarily in the area of Regulatory Affairs. In this capacity, I have served as the company's chief spokesman in interactions with regulatory agencies, primarily the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This is a scientific communications responsibility, both internally providing stragetic direction to drug development plans, and externally to the regulatory agency reviewers.
I have recently accepted the position as Director of Regulatory Affairs Programs at San Diego State University, as part of their Center for Bio/Pharmaceutical and Biodevice Development. This senior scientist position is a tenure-track staff position, considered both in rank and salary equivalent to that of a Professor. In this position I am responsible for the design, initiation and direction of a Masters level degree program focused on the type of work I have been doing for 28+ years in the pharmaceutical industry, preparing young science-trained individuals for similar work in the industry, with particular interest in those biotechnology companies in the San Diego area.
This position will allow me 25% of my time for continued consulting to local companies, as I have been doing for the last year. In addition to directing this program, I am an adjunct professor and am co-teaching the first course in our program, "Introduction to the Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Medical Device Industries."
We have 15 students enrolled in the Master of Science in Regulatory Affairs degree program, as of this Fall, 1999. We are already looking forward to enrolling additional students into this program, for the Fall 2000 semester. In addition to these M.S. students, other working professionals from the San Diego biotechnology community may enroll in individuals classes offered as part of the degree curriculum. Finally, we have begun to explore ways to bring these classes onto the Internet, so that students outside the San Diego area may enroll in these same courses.