Here is an ever-growing list of our favorite

places to visit on the World Wide Web:

To visit any of these sites, click on their name...

The Bradford Robotic Telescope
This is a telescope that gives you the opportunity to have it take astronomical images for you.  It is a free service. They have all sorts of cool stuff going on here...

Fort Worth Sidewalk Astronomers
Check out this site to see what our comrades-in-telescopes are up to, in the Lone Star State.

What astronomy page would be complete without a link to NASA. They've got some beautiful images to see!

The Hawaiian Astronomical Society
They have deepsky charts of the constellations, and with each constellation, is listed the various myths that go along with it.   Also included are images of various Messier and Caldwell objects within the chosen constellation. The myths associated with each constellation will deeply enhance any info you give to people when you are at a public star party.

The Nine Planets
A great multimedia tour of the planets and major moons of our solar system.

The Mount Wilson Observatory

From 1907 to 1948, the 100-inch Hooker Telescope was the worlds largest telescope, which helped to provide much of the astronomical information we have today. This site has a virtual tour of the observatory grounds, a great archive of astronomical images, and information about getting students and schools involved in astronomy. Definitely check this one out!

Lakeview Museum Community Solar System
See the WORLD'S LARGEST scale model of our solar system. Part of the Lakeview Museum, in Peoria, Illinois. It is an ever-growing model, and you can be a part of it! Contact Mr. Sheldon Schafer, whose e-mail link is at the bottom of their solar system tour page, to purchase a plaque, representing an un-named comet. To view a plaque similar to what you will receive, if you purchase one, click here. I personally have one hanging in my home. All proceeds from the purchase of the plaque, help fund the science programs at the museum.

The Amateur Telescope Makers Archives
This is a GREAT resource for those among us, that want to, or are in the process of building, their own telescopes. This is a compilation of postings from the ATM resource, where Amateur Telescope Makers either have asked, or posted answers to, specific questions about building telescopes, grinding mirrors, and other information for the amateur. There is plenty of info to get you started, or help you finish, making a telescope.

Astronomy Magazine
This is the website for Astronomy Magazine, online. This is a great resource for articles and astronomical information. It currently includes charts for locating the planets, constellations, and some of the other deepsky objects, while keeping you abreast of upcoming articles and other events of interest to the amateur astronomer.

Fabio Marino's Home Page  
This website, with a mirror website in Italian, is full of some wonderful "home brew" CCD images of objects. The images were made by Fabio Marino and some of his friends. Great views of globular clusters, galaxies, planets, and others.  Also sign their petition to help keep "dark skies" over Italy.

The Mining Company
A very handy reference source for finding all kinds of info and websites. Things are thoroughly checked and indexed for ease of use. They have a category just for astronomy, and astonomical related websites. Check it out!

#Sciastro on the Undernet
Talk about astronomy LIVE, 24 hours-a-day! Meet and talk with others interested in astronomy, from around the globe! What, you may ask, is the Undernet? It is part of the IRC, the Interet Relay Chat. There are thousands of "chat-rooms", and #sciastro is dedicated to astronomy chat. Check out this website to learn more about how to connect to the Undernet. And NO, it is NOT some underground/grassroots movement! You can also find pictures of some of the people you will be likely to chat with. Also check out this homepage, to meet Susan (Portia is her undernet nickname) and her husband Steve (Astrocady), two of the channel operators of #sciastro.

Bad Astronomy
This site will describe some very common astronomy myths, and explain why they are just that, myths. It will give you the facts, instead. It also points out bad astronomy in the news, TV shows, and the movies. The page promotes GOOD astronomy, and has links to those pages, too. While there, don't miss their Bitesized Astronomy of the Week, with great astronomy tidbits, (astronomical food for thought), updated weekly.

The Hubble Space Telescope
Check out the latest images from the Hubble Space Telescope, available to the public. New pictures are constantly being added, and you can learn more about what's new with the HST, and any projects that the fine people at the Space Telescope Science Institute are working on.

NASA Shuttle Web: Liftoff!
Would you like to know the lastest and greatest about our Space Shuttle Program? This site is the one for you! Find information about about the latest mission, the astronauts, and almost anything else you could possibly want to know about the shuttle missions.

Pomona Valley Amateur Astronomers
Check in with our "neighbors", and see what other astronomy groups are doing here in (usually) sunny Southern California.

Arecibo Observatory
The Arecibo Observatory is home to the world's largest radio telescope, measuring 305 meters / 1000 feet in diameter. Not only is it a "cutting edge" observatory, but fast becoming a Hollywood location for movies. Recently, the observatory was featured in the James Bond / 007 film "Golden Eye", but also very prominently featured in the sci-fi blockbuster "Contact", starring Jodie Foster.

Transient Lunar Phenomena-Observing Log
Hosted by one of the telescope operators at the Griffith Park Observatory, Mr. Robert Spellman, this website is for those that are dedicated lunar observers. For those of you who enjoy watching the moon and it's apparent ever-changing landscape. Join Mr. Spellman and others who revel in the wonders of our nearest celestial neighbor, and log your observations.

Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
Want to know what is going on with the closest star to your home? This is the page for you! You'll be able to keep up with the daily activities of the Sun, view solar flares, and keep track of sunspot activity.

Astronomy and Space Exploration
Do you dream of cruising among the stars? Taking a joy-ride around the rings of Saturn? Sailing to the next galaxy? Then these are the pages for you. Here, they will keep you up-to-date on the latest innovations and vehicles, designed to get humans out into deep space.

Astrophoto of the Week
Jack Schmidling is one of many astrophotographers, and his site is updated weekly. These are very good images of deepsky objects, taken by an amateur astronomer. On this site, you can find photos of things like the recently (March 3rd) discovered Supernova 1998S, galaxies, nebulae, and globular clusters.

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Moon
Another page for all you lunatics. Get it? "Lunatic"? Lunar... C'mon.. where did you think the word "lunatic" came from? Well, we all know better now. Or do we? This page comes complete with an online lunar calendar that shows the current phase of the moon, and what to look forward to, each and every day of the lunar cycle.

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