For those of you not familiar, this is the address for SETI@home. They have a screensaver that lets them use YOUR computer to help them analyze potential radio signals from space. If interested, go to their website and read more about it. I've been doing this for some time now. People have formed "teams" to analyze the info. Your individual results are pooled together with the members of your "team". Seeing as how we spend lots of time looking up at the stars, I thought this might interest you. If you find this interesting then just do a search on the seti web site for TEAM SIDEALK ASTRONOMERS, we already have members from all over the country joined together.
Email me with your thoughts. If you have any questions about the screensaver, don't hesitate to email me and ask. I've learned all sorts of hints and tricks, and I'll gladly share any info with you.
If you have ICQ you can message me. My ICQ#: 676811 If you don't have ICQ you can page me through my Personal Communication Center: If I'm online, you can contact me instantly, using either method.
"In the beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals... and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and the moon should man learn..."
-- Eagle Chief (Letakots-Lesa) 19th Century Pawnee