Don Carey - 12/26/00 04:06:00 My URL: My | Comments: Bernie, I ran across your web site three hours ago and just finished reading every page. I can't express enough how much I enjoyed you sharing your experiences with us! You guy's did a great job and are our heros from the past. I shake you hand and say "God Bless You and your many comrades you gave it your all". Sorry it has taken so long for a memorial to be built in your honor in Washington DC... I served four years in USAF as a crew chief in B-29 and B-47 Bombers during the cold war years 53-57! Truly a walk in the park for us.. My Best Regards Don Carey 40th Bomb Wing Web Master |
Don Carey - 12/26/00 04:05:59 My URL: My | Comments: Bernie, I ran across your web site three hours ago and just finished reading every page. I can't express enough how much I enjoyed you sharing your experiences with us! You guy's did a great job and are our heros from the past. I shake you hand and say God Bless You and your many comrades you gave it your all". Sorry it has taken so long for a memorial to be built in your honor in Washington DC... I served four years in USAF as a crew chief in B-29 and B-47 Bombers during the cold war years 53-57! Tru y a walk in the park for us.. My Best Regards Don Carey 40th Bomb Wing Web Master |
Paul J. Rice - 09/07/00 18:26:54 My | Comments: Great job on the page. Looks good. Made me think. Who was that good looking guy in those pictures? |
kathy - 04/08/00 01:49:31 My | Comments: wellllll bernie,,,,,, if you are that man on your page..... you will let me know what color........ |
kathy - 04/08/00 01:46:26 My | Comments: wellllll bernie,,,,,, if yoou are that man on your page..... you will let me know what color........ |
kathy - 04/08/00 01:31:21 My | Comments: still my bernie....... guess what color..... i miss you |
Sam McGowan - 04/02/00 17:14:15 My URL: My | Comments: Great page! I'm always happy to read about those who have been part of the troop carrier and military airlift world over the years. I was in troop carrier in C-130s in Vietnam. For those who're interested, I've just started an Email group for airlifters. end an Email to or go to my site for instructions. |
Margie Slye - 12/31/99 03:02:19 | Comments: Thanks, Bernie, for sharing a little bit about your life during World War II. That war truly changed things for the entire world. |
mike smith - 12/03/99 20:17:16 My | Comments: really loved your story, i'm sure you could have made it novel size if you included all the details. i must add i am very grateful to you and your whole generation, born in the twenties, raised during the depression only to fight war. me, i'm a baby boomer, my generation would not have made it. but, i would like to hear you're still flying. mike |
Thomas L. Watt Jr. - 11/29/99 08:09:25 My Email:TLWATT@HOTMAIL.COM | Comments: Great work and nice aircraft. |
fuzzy one - 11/08/99 03:10:27 My | Comments: i wish that we had some of those planes here in New Zealand because they look so cool. It sounds like u have had a awesome life... That's just great... |
Gary R Beck - 08/22/99 19:08:32 My | Comments: Bernie, thanks for sharing those many thoughts with me and more to come. We have lived thru your eyes, and await the Maker. I heard thru AVC that you were resigning because of the hardship of reading the messages, even with a large magnifier. I am told you are on to your next hobby and learning to cope and live successfully with your eye impairmant. Good luck, and from time to time, dictate to someone to write a message to the AVC so we know how you are doing. God bless you and your family and friends. My thought are with you, Gary |
Bonjour. I votre homepage est intéressant. Combien de temps avez-vous été sur l'Internet? Quoi qu'il en soit, je dois aller vague déferlante plus de pages de Web. Bon
e Chance!
WILLIE B. SIMS,M/SGT -USAF,RET. - 03/14/99 18:57:42 My | Comments: Interesting site. |
Rob Waitman - 01/28/99 02:04:08 My | Comments: Bernie, You have a well constructed web page and I,m not just saying that because your my neighbor. |
Rachel Mayer - 11/04/98 13:08:50 My URL: My | Comments: Bernie, I had 3 uncles in that war. One of them a POW in a Korean consentration camp. I remember him trying to speak of his experiences and never being able to continue past a certain point. For that reason I have some understanding when you said there ere some things you didn't want to talk about. I think it is wonderful you decided to share this part of your past with us because it is our past as well and we should never forget you, my uncles and so many more who gave so much to their country and the eople who live there. I have not finished your site yet and will keep coming back until I do. I am hoping you have included your growing up years and life after the war as well. It would be nice to know what kind of person makes a war hero. |
L.Scott - 11/01/98 06:03:08 My | Comments: My fifth trip to view your page. Enjoyed it more this time. The "Thoughts" can be read many times. |
Brett webb - 10/01/98 02:51:45 My Email:webkeys@aol | Comments: The other day we met at the store.I thought you website was great. |
Brett webb - 10/01/98 02:49:38 My Email:webkeys@aol | Comments: The other day we met at the store.I thought you website was great. |
Darrell Graves - 09/23/98 01:53:49 My URL:/CapeCanaveral/Lab/4515/index.html My | Comments: Very excellent and interesting site.The most enjoyable site that I have ever visited. You have done a superb job. I will be back again and again. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Darrell Graves |
Bernadine in CA - 09/06/98 21:00:13 My | Comments: I've just finished reading every word, and it was fascinating. You are a very good writer! You must have kept a log, or written up a lot of that in the 40's, or did you remember all that just looking at the pictures? I was just ll when the war ended, b t I remember how exciting it was when the soldiers/etc. returned. Thanks for referring the avconnection to your website. Best wishes for a happy retirement. Bernadine |
Linda C - 08/31/98 22:49:39 My URL:/Nashville/4167 My | Comments: I enjoyed your page .. Not enough Patriotism in America!! ![]() |
Christel - 08/28/98 16:57:28 | Comments: Bernie, if you flew the bombers over Berlin, you were visiting on my side of the world! It was no fun there either! We were starving, too! |
Edna Rourke - 08/26/98 02:10:31 My | Comments: Thank you so much for sharing this with me. How nice it is to put a face to a name and a history as well. I especially liked the poem. Edna |
Lillian Scott - 08/26/98 00:21:53 My | Comments: Just made another stop to your web page this evening. Very much inspired by your writing. The piano music on Thoughts is beautiful. |
Lillian Scott - 08/26/98 00:21:51 My | Comments: Just made another stop to your web page this evening. Very much inspired by your writing. The piano music on Thoughts is beautiful. |
Theda L.Roy - 08/24/98 19:54:33 My URL:http://home,talkcity/chaplinct/n2shq My | Comments: Bernie, you were a handsome kid. If I learn to use my scanner I will send you a copy of a picture of me, when I was 19. I am ashamed to have you see my homepage, after seeing this. Teddy |
Thed L. Roy - 08/24/98 19:46:48 | Comments: |
Lillian Scott - 08/24/98 10:48:38 My | Comments: Thank you for writing all these wonderful stories of your training and then being a pilot and then the conclusions where most excellent and the poem was one of beauty and the music with it fit perfectly. |
DLPederson - 07/23/98 01:49:31 | Comments: Hi: Enjoyed your story greatly. My father just missed being in the war by a couple of years. My uncle never talked about it. |
Linda Owens - 07/09/98 19:04:44 My | Comments: Very nicely done! |
Aneita R. - 07/06/98 17:41:29 My Email: | Comments: I have enjoyed my visit...I have listened to many stories about this time in our history, but yours is exceptionally well told...I hope you write a book. I'll be back... |
Fr. Patrick Cooney - 07/06/98 16:41:09 My | Comments: Great site. It makes my time in the Air Force seem like a cake walk. Its great to read a litle bit of experienced history. |
Lynda Welchel - 07/04/98 04:39:07 My | Comments: Your have done a wonderful job of your home page. Lynda Welchel |
Joy - 07/02/98 12:00:16 My | Comments: well done bernard......I love your page and will pop in from time to time to see if anything is changed. Lotsa love JoyX |
Joan Sschube - 06/23/98 23:50:53 My | Comments: Bernie Wonderful web page..I read part of it..I bookmarked it and will go back later...I will pass this URL along to W8RHR..He might like to link it to his site..73 Joan |
Marjorie Bullard - 06/21/98 18:28:18 My | Comments: I meant to just scan through but ended up reading every word. Excellent. Still chills from "High Flight". Very well done. You must have really enjoyed organizing and putting it together. What a memory trip that must have been. It is super!! |
kevin "squirrly - 06/21/98 15:22:14 My | Comments: just visiting your page and checking it out |
Steve - 04/27/98 22:05:10 My URL: My | Comments: Are you a pilot? Have ICQ? Want to Chat? Contact me either by e-mail or ICQ ICQ #=8292804 |
Darrell Graves - 01/20/98 20:43:02 My URL: My | Comments: Mr.Hinkle,This is a excellent page with an excellent biography of your Military flying career.I loved it, I really admire and honor You WWII Vets, I just hope that You are not all forgotten in the future.I will be back to this page alot. Thank You. Sicere y |
~Laverne - 01/14/98 04:57:32 My URL: My | Comments: Keep up the excellent work Bernie! ~Laverne ![]() ~Laverne's Dynamic Add A Link |
David Palmer - 01/09/98 02:33:41 My | Comments: Great story. I read the entire thing! |
- 12/24/97 23:12:34 | Comments: |
Bernie Hinkle - 12/23/97 02:00:50 | Comments: Dad, I probably learned more from your web page than I thought I knew. It was interesting and well done. I am very proud of your accomplishments |
~Laverne - 12/13/97 18:54:02 | Comments: Bernard, here's wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! ~Laverne ![]() 219 Free4AlLinks~FREE Everything~SOON 2 COME~ADD UR URL! |
Heartbeat # Two - 12/07/97 08:59:34 My URL: My | Comments: Great site, keep up the good work. Great plane pictures. Thanks for letting me visit. |
Dennis E. Raymond jr - 12/06/97 06:03:19 My URL: My | Comments: Hello, I really love your page and your stories. Thank you for sharing them. God Bless. Dennis |
*d.c* - 11/15/97 21:26:03 My URL:/~dece My | Comments: Loved your page... loved looking at the pictures and read some of your history.. wow.. nice ... some awesome story you told..thank you for sharing you life with us...deb |
Shaun - 11/13/97 13:37:44 My URL: My | Comments: Awesome page! |
Charley - 11/13/97 10:54:31 | Comments: Hi! I'm new at Cape Canaveral. Your homepage looks great! Keep up the good work! Visit me sometime! ![]() |
~Laverne - 10/20/97 18:19:45 My URL: My | Comments: Bernie, I just had to drop by again and enjoy your most impressive website. The "Dark Sky jpg is so beautiful! Keep up the excellent work and God bless! ~Laverne ~Laverne OPERATION JUST CAUSE-ADOPT A POW/MIA! ![]() |
*d.c* - 10/17/97 20:03:30 My URL: My | Comments: HI... you come to my site so I visited yours. I'm so impressed I can't help myself. You are a marvel and I enjoyed reading your history and learning more about you. Hope you chat in the Cape Java Chat sometimes...if you dont..and curious as heck to know how you found came to my page... Write me if you have a chance... have a great day. |
Margaret - 10/06/97 11:41:39 My | Comments: Hi, Just browsed over from ZDU :) See you in class. Margaret |
Semindy - 09/25/97 05:27:18 My URL:/RodeoDrive/1482 | Comments: Hey there!!! Was repaying the visit....very interesting site you have here!!! Thanks for visiting!!! *smile* ![]() |
Pete Massengill - 09/20/97 00:18:14 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Bernie, surfed to your page from Kathy's.You said you didn't have a picture of the "At-17 Bobcat" I have one that you can use, but you will have to get the authors permission to use it.Your email icon doesn't work.It doesn't show your email address.I w s going to send you the picture by email attachment.Let me know if you want it. Great page, but I didn't have time to finish it.I'll come back till It's completed. Pete |
Abbey - 09/18/97 14:49:57 | Comments: Its great Bern!! I see now why I havent seen u!! It looks like you have been quite busy!! |
C17Instructor - 09/16/97 03:50:17 My URL: My | Comments:![]() Hello, from the staff at The C-17A Information Homepage! I spent 8 1/2 months at Keesler (though it was for basic electronics). |
Greg Hansen (Jag47) - 09/14/97 00:36:48 My URL: My | Comments: Your page was so intriguing and interesting that I spent a half hour longer than I intended to, checking it out for Featured Page related items. I read about many of your experiences, and they are quite interesting. As a middle school math teacher, I am thinking visitors to my Math Shack page would enjoy and benefit from a visit to your site, so if you happen to have a banner I can use as a link, would be grateful. Just email it to me if you have one. Thanks for a wonderful experience! Jag47 |
Charlotte Chamitoff - 09/09/97 00:44:11 My URL: My | Comments: Great work Bernie. Enjoyed reading your pages. Can already picture you with your white scarf flying in the Stearman and what a handsome young man too. Charlotte |
Larry K. Shideler - 09/08/97 01:08:49 My | Comments: What A life you have lived, Seen, and Done Larry Cincinnati, Ohio |
kathy - 09/07/97 14:10:50 My Email:you no it | Comments: bernie you need to write a book..... this is good stuff,,, love you |
Bernie Hinkle - 08/17/97 13:33:15 | Comments: Dad, I was here and enjoyed reading. I hope your hard drive is back up |
Brandi Perry - 08/11/97 11:34:25 My URL: My | Comments: Well Bernie you have been working very hard on your page,Great Job!A true effort from the Heart and soul of a an American Hero! |
~Laverne - 08/08/97 21:44:01 My URL: My | Comments: Your site is excellent. I enjoyed looking and reading everything. Thanks, ~Laverne ~OPERATION JUST CAUSE/ADOPT A POW MIA! |
Fien Lesmana - 07/28/97 02:26:19 My URL: My | Comments: Bernie, you have lived at an exciting time. You give us a vivid picture of a struggle, from a young boy's fascination for aeroplanes to a successful military career. This website is a sweet memoir. Thanks for sharing it with us. Best wishes from Indonesia. |
Melindra - 07/24/97 15:20:34 My URL: My | Comments: You've done a great job! I enjoyed reading the stories .. I'll visit again in the future. Regards from Jakarta, Melindra |
Inge Kristiansen - 07/23/97 05:35:10 My URL: My | Comments: This is a very very interesting page. You have done a very good job. I like the Pictures. Well done |
Blue - 07/23/97 01:41:12 My URL: My | Comments: This is outstanding. Such an interesting site. You have done an excellent job! |
Carole - 07/23/97 00:28:10 | Comments: Interesting.I guess the service is not like that anymore. |
Jo - 07/22/97 21:39:24 My URL: My | Comments: Enjoyed your books and really enjoyed the pictures. They are first rate. This is quite a keepsake. |
- 07/22/97 20:48:19 | Comments: |