SPIRITEXTS is pleased to post this intriguing channeling from the ANGELIC MESSAGES site.

I am here, Jesus.

I ask that you make an effort to pray together, two to three times a day. By this I mean that you set special times, regardless of what you're doing, to take the time to pray, to be connected and in harmony . Even if you're a distance away, you need to feel that you're on the same team together, not in competition with each other. I say this because there needs to be acquiescence here, and forgiveness, and understanding to create a better place of peace. I ask that you set these times up between yourselves and that you adhere to them. For, I say that even in a short period of time, you'll experience a greater harmony with each other. There won't be these walls that you build to separate after you've been close.

We want you to build on the love and not keep rattling down to the very foundation of your relationship. There is a fear here. This fear is caused by not trusting. The fear basically is that you won't be who you were. What's true is that you won't be who you were. You'll be who you already are because you'll be peeling away the veneer. You'll be peeling away the mask. You'll be peeling away all the self-defensive mechanisms which you've put in place to be able to protect yourself and/or forearm yourself, as you've felt you've had to do, in so many other situations in your life.

I'm here to tell you, here and now… you have all of the tools to bring about the conditions of love and harmony, that you've said you'd like to create in this home. You have those tools of the creativity that you've wanted. You have those tools to bring yourself up to a level of harmony and love. Remember, that you're not put and you don't progress, in terms of your spirit leaving your body and taking your soul to a place of progression that's beyond where you've progressed.

Well, I'm here to tell you that's its time to wipe the veneers away on all levels and be who you really are. You don't have to pretend. You don't have to a bravado, which isn't you. You can truly be and experience that love, that joy, that prosperity here and now. Just give yourselves permission. Ask that your free wills be in harmony with the Father's and it will be so. You'll see manifestations of this love on so many levels that you can scarce keep up with it. It'll be like a new surprise - the sunlight coming through a different window that you hadn't even expected!

There is so much love and joy here. Why pretend that it isn't so? You do not have to put each other in a position where you feel threatened, humiliated. Just ask that the truth prevail and in your own time, you will each acknowledge personally, as well as face to face, what is really here; what the love is and be joyful for the love.

There are so many places and places in the heart, as well as places of condition that you've only glimpsed at. It's time to open the door wider, come in and make yourself at home. Be at peace, for there will be like souls who will understand, and are ready to welcome you. It is O.K. to show joy and laughter, but you must show joy and laughter to yourselves first. For this to be truly a sanctuary, it has to be a sanctuary for each and every one of you. It does not mean to the exclusion of someone else. Nor is it you being in a space where you're taking away from someone else. It is a space where you've opened up to the point and grown enough to see that you have so many riches to give. So many riches are in your possession, you do not have to hoard them, anymore. They can be given away, freely, lovingly, glowingly.

Understand this. As you see with love and prosperity, so will it be manifest to you. So will you wake up to a space of going, 'My, why didn't I see that before?' So, its a way of making yourself ready. Its a way of opening up to choices. Its an opening up and tapping into the wealth that is here. You're wealthy beyond measure. You do not have to keep yourself in this place of poverty, in this space of limitedness. It is your free will. You have so much love and joy and sunshine here. See the sunshine. See the love. See the greatness that is here. There are so many joyful, beautiful souls that are here. Give them a place to express themselves. Express the Love. Don't condemn it. Don't hide it. Don't keep it sheltered in such a space that its only opened up, briefly here and there, and then hoarded away. What good are your jewels if you do not display them and share them?

If you want to be open to a greater Love, a greater wisdom, a greater truth, a greater knowledge, then do so by example. Do so by sharing. Do so by sharing every bit of you. By sharing every bit of you, I mean get to know yourself. Don't deny who you really are. Don't make excuses. This isn't to say that you put each other in jeopardy. It's to say that you acknowledge and you revere and you're thankful. You thank your heavenly Father for the many riches He's bestowed upon you.

The angels here are to help assist, guide you and administer to you. How do you reflect that back? If you're an angel in training, then you learn. You give. You grow. You take risks.

So, my brothers and sisters, I ask you, 'How have you been an angel today?' 'How have you shared and spread the Love.' 'How have you shown, by example, that you are truly a disciple of the Love…and I mean this on all levels?'

Go joyfully forth. Love one another as I have loved you. Be open to the Father's Love. Remember, the Father has many temples, mansions and there are more being set forth. Create a mansion here. Show the Love, the growth, and share with others. By share, I mean share yourselves. I mean, be prepared. I mean, if this were your last 12 hours on this earth, what would you do to make it a better place? What legacy would you leave behind? Remember it is much easier to progress here on the earth plane with the Love and go on to an accelerated rate in the spirit world, but your work is here. The Father has placed you here and you have so much work before you and so little time.

Grow in the Love. Be joyful. Do not be selfish. Do not hoard. Spread the wealth and reap the great joy that is here for you. We have much more to say, but I ask you to pause and consider what I have said. Let this be your first message on the internet.

With my love and blessings, I am your brother, Jesus.

(Message above was received through CSW, January 13, 1996.)