by Jeremy S Gluck

Cyberspace is a primary millenial initiation, one of many we are passing through as we unite realms of spirit and matter to establish on this planet new frequencies and consciousness constructs conducive to wholesome planetary and human speciate growth. SPIRITECH UK and CYBERCLUB, my own initiatives to spiritualise cyberspace have, in a short space of time, attracted considerable interest and support, reaffirming my initial faith in a project that would seem to some to be utterly fantastic. Spiritualise cyberspace? Why? Better: How?

The fact is that cyberspace is yet one more manifest expression of the underlying unity of Creation. Cyberspace is a new paradigm in that it permits us to bridge form and the formless in such utilitarian ways. Never before in recorded history (I use this term knowing that unrecorded history conceals remarkable treasures) have we had the opportunity to so closely mirror in forms the nature of consciousness. The Internet, in its diverse manifestations and applications, is showing us daily the traffic of our global consciousness, allowing us to rapidly modify input and output through the formless medium of cyberspace, where time contracts and matter-consciousness is disabled by communications based largely on mind rather than body. As our global transformation is being wrought in part by upgrading certain frequencies, we can see that our acceleration in cyberspace is part of a matrix wherein energies are being raised at exponential rates, and therefore frequencies of consciousness. There is nothing abstract or esoteric about any of this: what we are seeing, doing and *being* is creating new capacities for global (and soon, galactic) communication. And the most miraculous aspect of it is that so little of it is actually *visible* in the conventional sense. The interiority of the increasingly intelligent (and soon, conscious) machine is quite mysterious, as is the cyberspatial traffic now surrounding us: think for a moment of the great faith we place in our machines, how we come to *know* and even *love* them. I have evidence aplenty of increased conscious linkage with high technology, of ordinary men and women relating to their computers and cyberspace in ways that are, essentially, religious. This is no accident or imaginative abberation: we are learning through our use of high technologies to acknoweldge, accept and enjoy the proximity to other forms of intelligence and onsciousness that our transition to full galactic inclusion will necessitate.

Therefore, I term the cyberspace initiation "the transparent revolution": the revolution we can *see through*. It is a revolution of the invisible for the invisible: of Spirit for Spirit. Into the silent, formless realms of fast energy technologies, the first step en masse that humanity takes on the path to full technologically spiritualised realities. To see through space, not time, is the immediate challenge, then to see beyond both.

Our key ritual is communication acceleration, our key sacrafice is form annihalation, our key intiation, information frequency upgrading. Communications on and of the Divine in cyberspace is creating a new frequency in human consciousness, which I call the C"-freq". Acting responsibly compels us all to acknowledge cyberspace as a spiritual medium and do our utmost to do in cyberspace only what is for the common good. Not to resist or negate the negative content of cyberspace, but to increasingly colonise the Web with wholesome pages and sites so that incrementally it becomes a manifestation of our highest realisations and potentials. It is a daunting challenge, but a worthy and essential one to meet.


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