This is my Resume!

Xiaoqing Xie

Automation Depart. TsingHua Univ.
Beijing, 100084, P.R.C

I got my bachlor at Zhejiang University in Hanzhou, a beautiful city in the South of China at June 1992.

My Major is process control. After graduated, I went to the largest steel works of China, Bao Steels in Shanghai, the largest city of China. There I learnt a lot of knowledge of production.

At September 1994 I went TsingHua University in Beijing to do my PhD work under the directer of Prof. Yihui Jin. Now I am doing model based process control. My director and me want to apply the technology to chemical process industry.

I am skillful of computer programming, Algorithm Design and controller building. My research interest is process modelling using neural network, partial least squares, sub_space model identification and nonlinear process control. Now I have got my PhD degree at August 1999.

My personal interest is cooking, reading and travelling.

Anyone that have common interest of mine please Contact to me:

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