Welcome to Zeyan Zhou's Homepage! Here is Zeyan Zhous's Personal Information:
Zeyan Zhou, born in Anhui province of P.R.C, Oct, 1968.
After graduated from Computer Department of Peking Science & Technique
University in 1989, he is now working as a Software engineering
in BaoGong Software Corporation. He is familiar with industrial control
software developement. He taked part in the following projects:

1) 2030mm tandem cold strip mill computer control system.

2) 1580mm tandem hot strip mill computer control system.

3) 1550mm tandem cold strip mill computer control system.


Hua Jianxin, Zhou Zeyan: Polynomial regression and mathematical
model of flatness defect for cold strip,
Kang T'ieh/Iron and Steel (Peking) v 27 n 3 Mar 1992 p 27-31

Personal Interests: Painting, especially computer drawing.
Email: zyzhoubs@online.sh.cn

I am glad to make friends with you!

Group of BaoSteel, BaoGong Software Corporation I love my wife!
And my son!

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