Statesboro Astronomy Club and Department of Physics
Georgia Southern University Planetarium
April 7, 2001

Lobby telescope and amateur astronomy display with John and Jeff

Solarsystem lobby display

Lunar samples on loan from NASA, Apollo 11 display, along with autographed
images by Buzz Aldrin, Charlie Duke, and Alan Shepard on loan from the Lowder family

Physics major, Joseph , helping kids make film cannister baking powder rockets

Becky, Kim, and Dr. Ben Zellner

Kevin and Bill treating visitors to safe solar observing outside

Tina, Jennifer, and Andrew making craters outside

Kim and Toni after their great STS-2001 presentation !

Astronomers, Karen and Clayton Heller with Jenny

Physics major, Lisa, assisting visitors at an astronomy/space activity table

John assisting visitors with calculating their weights on other planets

Play areas for younger future astronomers and space explorers with computer game,toys and big book to sit and read

Big solar system puzzle was fun to do!

Becky between star shows in the planetarium guarding the lunar samples

Lunar display up close in the planetarium

Mars Odyssey launch coverage and Mars rover display

Planet mural by visitors

Beginning of the 10 meter solar system walkaround the plantarium

Part of space exploration display

Moon poster

Mars posters