P.O. Box 17090
Seattle, WA 98127
Birthdate: Oct 13
Primary email: deane@NO**SPAM**acefox1.com.no.sp@m
(Remove the "NO**SPAM**" and ".no.sp@m" from the address in the to: field when you click this link for my correct email address or use my alternate address below. Please no spam, jokes, stories, political statements, religious theories/pronouncements, virus warnings, or chain letters to this address.)
Web page:www.acefox1.com
Feel free to email me forwarded stories, and jokes to the following address:
My AOL Instant Messenger ID is: ACEFOX1
To download the AOL Instant Messanger chat program
and "chat" with me live on the Internet go to
http://www.aim.com or click on the AOL IM link above.
My ICQ UIN Number is: 273504
My ICQ Name is: Ace Fox 1
To download the ICQ (short for "I seek you")
chat program and chat with me go to http://www.mirabilis.com
or click on the ICQ link above.
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Click here to go to my myspace page.
Click here to go further inside my web page.