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Well, Xfiles is great. I collected a little bit of images around the web, I
hope you enjoy those. Here goes a special thanks to my friend Nicola Zanaga
from "Liettoli International" (it's the name of the big city) who is
seriously interested in xfiles sequel, and didn't help me at all to find some
good pictures to put on the web. . .
His nickname is IPXTRÈ
Whoops, I was just forgetting ! The fire you saw near the xfiles logo is
entirely dedicated to IPXTRÈ,
because you have to know that time ago he did a great program about math, and
he made an introduction with a burning fire all over the screen. Students were
impressed, teachers too. That program has been showed to the whole classroom,
on a Novell LAN network. The only problem was that the fire was not burning
fast but very slow, almost like 1 frame per second, just like when you play
flight simulator 6.0 on a Pentium 90Mhz !!
That bad effect was due to the LAN delay, and IPXTRÈ
didn't expect that, and after few seconds a guy in the classroom shouted:
said the sentence that we merely think as historical:
I would like you to see my homepage banner. I did that to promote my homepage
on the Internet Link Excange.
If you can do better than me, you're welcome to send me some proof. . .
That's all folks ! That's all I got for now, it's not much, but I hope you enjoyed it.
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