The Puget Sound RVators Annual Meeting was held at Thun Field (Pierce Co. Airport) on Saturday, May 08, 1999 with a total of 23 attendees. The future of the organization was discussed and the consensus was reached that we should strive to promote "RVation" with continued sponsorship of a hospitality tent and Saturday picnic at the NW EAA Fly-In at Arlington held each July. It was also voted to re-institute membership dues at $5.00 per year and that the club tools* could only be loaned to members. Elections were held with the following results:
Lee Harman was elected President and will assume responsibilities after this year's NW EAA Fly-In.
Joseph Andrews was re-elected treasurer.
Dan Thomas was re-elected tool manager.
Stan Rawllins and Rob Huntsinger agreed to share the duties of maintaining a current member database and collecting dues.
President-elect Harman will assume the roll of newsletter editor and hopes to return to a regular publication schedule. Joseph Andrews was authorized to spend up to $150 to purchase a permanent "Puget Sound Rvator" banner to display at the hospitality tent each year.
Following this business meeting, Wes Schierman presented an outline of Formation Flying, Incorporated, a recently formed non-profit organization to certify (not train) formation qualified pilots who wish to fly in "waivered" airspace. This is a parallel organization to the FAST program (which is only for warbirds) and shares the same standardized methods as outlined in The T-34 Association Formation Manual. Interested parties can contact Wes at