May 1997

Office Address:       Department of Psychology
                               The Ohio State University
                               1885 Neil Avenue Mall
                               Columbus, OH 43210-1222
                               Phone: (614) 292-1714


Major:     Psychology
Degree:   B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
               Scholars' Program
               Ford Colloquium
Cumulative GPA:  3.96   Major GPA:  4.00

Major:     Social Psychology
Minors:    Quantitative, Cognitive
Degree:    M.A., 1998
                Ph.D., 2001


Sigma Xi, 1997
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, 1996 - 2001
University Fellow, The Ohio State University, 1996 - 2001
Golden Key National Honor Society Golden Key Scholar, 1996
Ronald E. McNair Foundation Summer Research Fellow, 1995
Korchin Award for Minority Students Majoring in Psychology,
   Brooklyn College Department of Psychology, 1995
Phi Beta Kappa, 1995*
Sam Levenson Memorial Award for Creative Contributions to the
   Brooklyn College Community, Brooklyn College Alumni Association, 1995
Psi Chi, Psychology National Honor Society, 1995*
Brooklyn College Alumni Association Class of 1937 Scholarship, 1995
Ronald E. McNair Foundation Scholar, 1994
Golden Key National Honor Society, 1994*
Guest, President William J. Clinton Student Service Forum, 1994
Dean's List, 1993-1995
Senator Robert S. Byrd Scholarship, 1992
Advanced Placement Program Scholar, 1992
Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Life Monument Scholarship, 1992-1996

* Inducted as a Junior


American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Psychological Association; APAGS
American Psychological Society; APSSC
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Society of Personality and Social Psychology


Shakarchi & von Hippel (May, 1997). Ethnic prejudice in assignment of responsibility for an accident. Presented at the 9th annual convention of the American Psychological Society.

Shakarchi, Johnson-Vickberg, & Deaux (February, 1996). Explicit prejudice, implicit stereotypes. Presented at the meeting of the City University of New York Project ASCEND and Ronald E. McNair Foundation.

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