Date:   23 January 1994
Author: Daniel 9VG, rsm on IRC,
Rel:    1.2

Dealing with Computer generated RFI/EMI

1.0     Introduction

        One of the most frustrating problems about using computers with 
radios, whether it be for controlling purposes or for decoding, is the 
amount of RFI generated by these machines. Most of the time, the RFI 
generated is enough to render certain bands useless and on other bands, it 
may drown out any weak signals and distort or interfere with signals that 
you want. This is totally unacceptable for working with digital modes and 
even for CW. Thus one of the most frequently asked question is how this RFI 
may be reduced or eliminated. The bad news is that, there is no way that I
know to completely remove the computer generated RFI in most situations. The 
good news is that there are definite steps that we can take to reduce the 
RFI to a very acceptable level and in some cases, it will almost disappear 
altogether. This document is a compilation of suggestions from various 
persons and some of the things I have tried with my own system when dealing
with this problem. Many of the documents I have seen relate to situations 
involving transmitters and how not to generate them. This document is 
written from a receiving point of view.

        I suppose most people would have already tried the basic steps to 
improve signal conditions by having the receiver and antenna as far removed, 
physically and electrically from the RFI source (computers and monitors in
our case) but I am also aware that sometimes there are limitations and 
constraints as to how much distance can be had. One may have also tried 
changing the orientation of the computer, monitor, receiver and antennas and 
feeds to see if things get better. Having done all that, what else can be 
done? This is the predicament I had and thus this document.

        The standard disclaimer applies and I will not be responsible for 
any accidents although I have tried my best to present the following 
information in the best integrity.

2.0     RFI Sources

        Before we actually begin tackling the problem, it might be helpful 
to know something about why computer generates RFI and how these get into 
the receiver. The two main components of the computer is the main CPU and 
the monitor (for simplicity sake). The computer runs at a certain clock rate 
as determined by an internal oscillator. Most of the time the rates are 
something like 4.77 mHz, 8 mHz, 12 mHz, 16 mHz, 20 mHz, 25 mHz, 33 mHz, 40 
mHz, 50 mHz, 66 mHz and 80 mHz. This is not the only clock involved, there 
is also another oscillator on the video generator card and sometimes a few 
oscillators, plus those on other cards. As you can see, these clocks are all 
oscillating in the HF and L-VHF regions which may interfere with signals we 
would like to receive. To make things worse, these clocks are usually 
sub-divided into a number of other frequencies within the computer. Since 
the computer is a digital system, the characteristic waveform of these 
signals are square-wave and square-waves tends to result in a lot of 
harmonics. The video card also generates RFI because the data-pixel-rate is 
often high enough to fall into the HF regions. All these reasons are why 
computers and monitors are tops when it comes to generating RFI. This is 
often made worse by computers with cheap plastic casings which do not shield 
the system. Many people have the opinion that monitors are one of the main
RFI sources and this may well be the case.

        The first thing we want to do is to determine how much RFI is being 
generated by the CPU and the monitor. It may be that the CPU is not 
radiating at all but the monitor is the culprit, or vice versa. This can be 
done by switching off the monitor and leaving the CPU on just to see how 
much RFI is getting into the radio. The following is a suggested procedure:-

1)      Do a quick sweep across the bands to find out where the RFI is the 
        strongest. This is helpful because if we can reduce the RFI here, 
        there should normally be a corresponding decrease of RFI everywhere 
        else but not necessarily so.

2)      Disconnect the mouse, serial cables and printer cables, keyboard, 
        video cable, video power. If you can, run the receiver on batteries 
        for this part. Now turn on the computer and see if the RFI is 
        increased by any appreciable amount.

3)      Now, connect the keyboard (with the CPU on), then the mouse, then 
        the serial cable, the parallel cable, the video cable, monitor power
        cable (don't turn on yet). As you reconnect these, note the increase 
        of RFI if any. You should now have some idea as to which is the main
        contributor of RFI. If you should have the good fortune that none of 
        these result in any appreciable increase of RFI then you're in luck.

4)      Turn on the monitor and note the increase in RFI. Run both text and 
        graphics modes to see if the RFI is affected.

5)      Reconnect the radio to the power supply and again note the RFI 
        increase if any.

6)      Disconnect the radio from any antenna, both external and internal, 
        and note if the RFI goes away. Note that on some radios, when you 
        unplug the external antenna connection, the internal antenna is 
        automatically activated. To prevent this, plug in a dummy plug to 
        the anstenna socket.

        By now you should have a pretty good idea of which components are 
contributing to RFI. Keep these notes, while we move on to another point, 
RFI paths.

        Earl Morse KZ8E suggest this for pin-pointing RFI source:-

In the event that this does not work you will need to investigate for cabinet
radiation from the monitor and computer.  Make a loop from some RG58 coax by 
stripping back the shield a few inches and making a couple of turns about an
1-2 inches in diameter.  Solder the center lead to where you stripped back 
the shield.  Plug this loop into your receiver and use it to probe the computer
setup.  A faulty computer cabinet can be easily closed up with fingerstock, 
braid, or other conductive materials.  Shielding a monitor cabinet is a lot
more difficult and could cause safety problems (high voltage) or overheating.

3.0     RFI paths

        RFI gets into the receiver from the source through a number of 
paths. This can be through the power supply, through the "earth" point of 
the power supply, through direct radio emission, even through "shielding" 
which are not properly designed or used. There are a number of ways to deal 
with these situations. If in (6) above, your radio is still picking up RFI 
with no antenna connected then, the shielding in your receiver is poor. If 
in (5) above, the RFI increases as you reconnect the radio to the mains 
power supply or adaptor, then RFI is coming in through the power supply. If 
your radio is connected directly or indirectly to the computer through the 
serial port or some other interface, that too could be a path for RFI. You 
will know if this is a problem as you go through step (3) above. If the RFI 
increases appreciably as you reconnect the external antenna, then the RFI 
may be coming from direct emission or is being picked up from the antenna 

        Remember that in many cases, RFI is coming in from more than one 
path so it is important to check out all possibilities. On the other hand if 
one path is the overwhelming problem, you may want to deal only with that.
Other basic things are to keep cables as short as necessary.

4.0     Killing RFI

        As you can probably see, RFI is a combination of problems and not 
one problem. It can be classified into 3 categories:-

a)      Shielding problems
b)      Filtering problems
c)      Design problems

These are not definitive categories but are used for simplicity. In many 
cases, poor shielding is a prime suspect. So we will deal with this first.
Now to get on with the real action.

4.1     Shielding problems

        When we talk about shielding, there are 4 things to consider, the 
radio itself, the monitor, the CPU and the antenna/feed combination. Poor 
shielding can be an inherent problem to some designs but can also be due to 
dirty connectors and old parts. Go through the equipment to make sure that 
all the connection points are secure, this is especially in connection to 
the antenna shielding, radio power supply, CPU casing, cabling. Make sure 
that the wires are not old and all the connections are clean, no oxides on 
surfaces. The presence of oxides makes for poor conduction and in some cases 
it results in rectification of signals which can then lead to a host of 
other problems.

        If the problem is a design one, such as poor shielding in a radio as 
determined by step (6) in section 2.0 on RFI sources, or poor monitor or CPU 
shielding, then we need to provide an adequate shield. This can normally be 
done using tin/aluminium foils or conductive spray. The basic idea is that 
we must line the casing of the equipment to be shielded with a barrier to 
RFI. This must be done carefully because since the shielding is conductive, 
it is possible to accidentally short circuit something and fry your radio or 
whatever it is you are trying to shield. The spray is probably the easiest 
to use but also quite expensive. My feeling is that metal foil probably 
provides better shielding but is harder to apply. The conductive spray or 
paint has a lower conductivity but spreads more evenly and gets into 
difficult to reach locations more readily. What you need to do is to 
carefully remove the plastic casing of the radio or monitor, paying 
attention to cabling and eletrical contacts. Remember that opening the case 
will almost certainly invalidate the warranty on the equipment. Clean the 
insides of the case thoroughly and make sure that it is dry and free of dust 
or grease before applying the spray. You may need to apply several coatings 
to get better shielding. Make sure that at some point in the casing, the 
applied shielding comes into contact with ground. Remember that in monitors, 
chassis is not always connected to ground so check this out first. For the 
shielding to be effective, you need to provide as complete a "wrap" as 
possible but remember not to spray onto switches or anything that might 
cause a short circuit. Also prevent blocking up ventilation holes. You may 
at this point wonder about the screen itself. Well in most color monitors, 
the mask inside the monitor acts as a shield of sorts. Wait for the coat of 
paint or spray to dry before replacing the cover. Try to ensure good 
grounding for the shield and avoid scratching off the paint. If arcing 
should occur, use some insulating tape over the area. The kind of spray that 
I use is known as EMI-LAC or EMV-LACK (by Cramolin) and is of German origin.
There are many other makes and most should work okay. In the event that you 
cannot find either paint, spray or suitable foil, conductive tape will do 
also. Remember, the conductive screen must NOT touch the components. Pay
attention as there may be a shock hazard when messing with monitors. Don't
do this yourself unless you know exactly what you are doing. :) Stay alive.

        Gary Coffman KE4ZV has this advice about shielding:-

If the monitor is the culprit, there are conductive sprays you can
use on the inside of the plastic cabinet to reduce the hash. GC
Electronics makes one that works well. You have to strip the monitor
and spray the cabinet. Usually you want to spray inside for appearance
sake. When you put it back together, watch out that the HV section has
adequate clearance with the now conductive case. If it doesn't, glue
some fish paper in the proper spots to prevent arc overs. Unless the
monitor is a "hot chassis" design, bond the conductive coating to the
chassis, and bring a bond wire out from the chassis to station ground.
If the monitor is color, the shadow mask in the tube will form an
adequate shield, but if it's mono, then you may need to put fine
copper screening over the face of the tube. Spray paint it flat
black and it'll double as an anti-reflection screen.

If the cable is radiating, first make sure you're using a shielded
cable, then use some snap on ferrite chokes on the cable. These 
chokes are good things to put on *every* external cable.

If the PC is the culprit, scrape paint so that the case halves can
bond properly, and add extra screws so that every seam has a screw
at least every two inches of it's length. That's what it takes to
get a good Faraday cage. Any openings in the case should be covered
with copper screen wire. The floppy drive opening is a problem because
you need access. The best way to handle this is to shield the entire
drive bay from the inside and accept the hash when the drive is in
use. Bring a bond wire from the case to station ground.

Of course it always helps to have the radio's antenna as far from
the PC as possible, and brought back to the radio via a well shielded
coax. The radio chassis should be bonded to the station ground. If
you're using a HT (so sorry) then you may have to locate the radio
and TNC far from the PC via a long RS232 cable. Note that the TNC can 
also be a source of noise. In some cases it's better to leave the
TNC next to the computer and remote locate the radio with long audio
and control cabling. The TNC should be treated the same way as the PC. 
Sand off the paint and add bonding screws. If it's plastic cased, either
use the conductive spray, or put it in a metal box.

        If you are using the spray, make sure to apply an even layer and
you may want to repeat the process a few times to get a better screen. Do
not waste excessive spray on one spot but make sure that the coat does not
have "thin" spots.

        Shielding of cables are also important. Try to make sure that the 
video cable has a good shielding/screening. The same applies to serial and 
parallel cables and, of course, the antenna feed should be well shielded. 
For antenna feeds, avoid TV 75 ohm coaxes as these normally do not provide 
sufficient screening. Try RG-58-C/U (which I think has better screening that 
RG-58-A/U) or some other high-screening type cables like RG-8 and the like.
Well screened antenna feeds go a long way to remove RFI. I have been told 
that the equipment should all be connected to a firm ground via heavy gauge 
wire or braid. This is probably true and if you can, why not. Where cables 
terminate, use good and appropriate connectors such as PL-259 or something 
similar. In all cases, provide the screening with a good ground. A well 
screened antenna feed may eliminate up to 80% of the RFI in some case, or 
more. If you are listening on VHF and UHF however, the length of the feed 
may need to be weighed against signal losses in the feed itself. Feeds such 
as the 9913 have lower losses but are quite expensive. Use them if you can 
however. Personally I still find the RG-58 to be the easiest to work with.

        Sometimes, in some CPU units, there may be some parts which are 
difficult to shield, such as the disk-drive. This is not too serious since 
the drive is not operative most of the time, but if you elect to try to 
screen that also, remember that the screen must all be well connected 
eletrically. The same goes for the rest of the computer casing. If you can, 
use one with a proper metal casing on all sides. What we want is a Faraday 
Cage so see that the whole case is well grounded. Scrape off some paint at 
the screws so that there can be good electrical contact everywhere.

        Other exposed connectors and splitters (which are not recommendable) 
can also be letting in RFI so you may want to check out their screening as 

4.2     Filtering problems

        This represents the next major path for RFI. In some poor designs, 
RFI is not properly filtered out of the computer or monitor power supply and 
it thus leaks out into the mains, and from there into the radio power supply 
and finally into the RF section (or AF sometimes) of the receiver. This type 
of problems can normally be improved by using a line filter for the 
equipment's power supply. Make sure that the line filter is rated for the 
power the cable is meant to carry or it may burn up. Other than using line 
filters, you can also use ferrite beads and toroids on most any lines. 
Experiment around with a bunch of these things. You could also put a bunch 
of ferrite beads on the antenna feed line and this will act as a kind of 
balun as well as preventing RFI from travelling on the screening. There are 
many types of ferrite RF chokes, clip on types and ready made types, which 
can be used. The ARRL Handbook has a description of some of these devices.
Line filters and RFCs can do wonders so experiment with them at various 
strategic places such as power supplies, some audio lines etc.

        Other than that, RFI often comes through other data lines and 
control lines in parallel and serial ports as well as video ports. Besides 
using ferrite beads on these, you may want to connect small value capacitors 
between the lines to ground. For parallel and serial lines, use 0.01 uF 
capacitors (multilayer, MKT if possible, others may work well too), and for 
video ports, connect 100 pF capacitors from the RGB, H-Sync and V-Sync to 
ground. These may have some other effects on the lines so experiment with 
slightly higher or lower capacitor values.

        If you are receiving on certain bands only, a bandpass, highpass or 
lowpass filter may help if used on the receiver front-end.

4.3     Design problems

        RFI problems are sometimes compounded by poor antenna or receiver 
design. Antenna impedance mismatch, for example, can make things worse that 
it needs to be. As such, use of baluns and transmatches may help. Although 
the coax antenna feed is supposed to keep out RFI, a mismatched antenna and 
feed may result in the coax screening itself picking up RFI. So if you are 
using coax feed into a balanced dipole, try using a balun at the feed point. 
Balun designs are really simple to build and can be found in the ARRL 
handbook also. The impedance matching of the antenna to the feed can also be 
handled by the balun. Baluns, being what they are, normally incur some 
signal loss but in a good balun, this is insignificant compared to losses in 
the feed itself. Besides, loss of signal strength is often made up for by 
improved S/N ratio. I have not confirmed this but some out of band RFI can 
be reduced by the use of antenna tuners which provide better selectivity. 
Such tuners can easily be made from any number of designs found in amateur 
circles because commercial ones tend to be rather expensive and come with 
S.W.R. meters and other fancy things that the RX-only SWL does not need. In 
my case,  a coax feeding into an off-center-fed-dipole, the balun did 
wonders to the S/N ratio and I actually say a signal strength improvement. 
This does not mean that the balun improves gain but the selectivity it 
provides may prevent the receiver AGC from kicking in and drowning out the 
weaker station thus resulting in a higher apparent signal strength.

        Kok Chen AA6TY has this to say about unmatched antenna systems:-

And, finally, finally, just as connecting a coax to a balanced antenna
will cause feedline to radiate, the reciprocal also happens.  If you
feed a balanced receiving antenna with an unbalanced line like coax,
the outside of your coax will pick up noise and send it to the
antenna input of the receiver.  Place a balun between the coax and
the antenna itself.

        Excessive gain, such as may be the case with antenna pre-amplifiers 
will not always improve the S/N because then the noise gets amplified along 
with the signal. In this respect, normally a masthead pre-amp will perform 

        Decoupling in some digital equipment is not properly done and can 
lead to RFI being insufficiently suppressed. This can be remedied by placing 
0.1 uF capacitors along all points in the power supply of the equipment 
between supply and ground. This may sound silly to some because it may seem 
easier to use one big capacitor, but while the electrical property at DC may 
be similar, the distributed capacitance has a different effect on RF. You 
want to ensure that your power supplies are properly decoupled and no 
unwanted oscillations are taking place in the regulators.

        The directivity properties of the antenna can also help improve 
signal conditions under RFI. The loop antenna, for example, can be 
positioned so that it nulls out at the RFI source. I haven't tried this 
myself but in theory it should work but I cannot comment on the actual
performance you can get out of this. Similarly the dipole also exhibits 
certain directive properties which can be taken advantage of to reduce RFI.

5.0     Other measures

        Besides the above, if one is using the computer for receiving 
CW/RTTY or other digital signals, a good IF or AF filter will help in 
removing unwanted noise. The advantages of the different filter types are 
detailed in the ARRL Handbook. For those who are more well off, a DSP 
adaptive filter can be of added convenience, aside from all the other SC 
(Switched Capacitor) filters, Notch filters. Again, I do not have the 
privilege to speak from experience. Bandpass filters are quite easy to 
construct and you may want to experiment with certain designs before 
investing in the real thing.

        For those who are thinking of a new computer, I hear that notebooks 
have very low RFI emission and may be very suitable for radio use.

        In case you are like me and don't live near the ground floor, you 
may want to use a balanced antenna system which does not require a ground or 
you may want to get one of MFJ's Artificial Ground. Here is an excerpt from 
Scott N3FI to me about this:-

I picked up this thing called the MFJ Artificial Ground, which consists of
(I think parallel) an LC circuit and a counterpoise wire.  This allows you to 
"tune" the reactance out of the counterpoise wire so that it "seems" like 
an earth ground to the shack.  No more zaps on your microphone!
Don't know if necessary on RCV only, though.  Wouldn't imagine so.  Just 
remember that electrical outlet ground is ground at 60 Hz, but NOT in the
MHz.  Your whole wiring system will act as an antenna!

        As far as the wiring of the feed goes, remember to keep the feed 
from running parallel with mains wiring and try to avoid flourescent lamps 
if possible. Some of these old lamps have faulty chokes which tend to 
generate some noise. Most modern buildings should be okay but older places 
tend to have this problem. While on the subject of wiring, remember that it 
may not always be your computer/monitor which is generating the RFI. 
Especially now that more and more people are staying in apartments or 
terrace houses, your neighbour's computer system may also be a source of 
noise. One way to go about this is to have a nice talk with your neighbour 
or use some kind of grounded metal sheet or grid at the walls. In concrete 
buildings, there are steel bars in the walls and so this may not be 
absolutely necessary.

6.0     Conclusion and Credits

        RFI has been a most perplexing problem and will continue to be so as 
long as manufacturers of computers do not think if it as a problem. I 
welcome contributions and other suggestions so that we can advance in our 
fight against RFI. Please direct all suggestions to:-

        I would also like to thank persons who have offered their advice and 
experience in RFI problems. Tks.

        Kok Chen        AA6TY
        Earl Morse      KZ8E
        R. R. Scott     NF3I
        Gary Coffman    KE4ZV
        Tom Bruhns      K7ITM
        Andrew Moore  
        others whom I may have lost their names ...

        The ARRL Handbook offers many helpful information concerning baluns, 
transmatches, filters and chokes. These will come in helpful for those who 
want to find out more about antenna and transmission line theory. 
Information can also be gotten from the ARRL e-mail server. Simple send a 
mail containing nothing but HELP to to get started. The server 
contains some more information on RFI and related problems.

        Have fun, down with RFI.

73 de 9VG Daniel

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