GLW O F - 3D engine
Created by Corin Langosch & Frank Willemsen
Welcome to World of Fantasy Home Page. GLWOF
is the second verion of our awesome 3d engine. It's main differences are
windows 95 support, support for direct X 5.0 and use of 3d acceleators
as the Monster 3d.
We are using OpenGL to support various 3d
cards. A very big difference is also the
dynamic collision dection using brushes instead
of bsp-trees.
The following things are 100% done (maybe not
100% bug-free):
Perspective texture-mapping (with MIP-mapping)
Colored Lightmaps done in Surface-Cache (with interpolation)
& Blending
Support for all avaible 3d cards with OpenGL drivers
Support for all resoluton & color dephts the
3d card supports
Colored Realtime lightning effects (flicker etc)
Colored Dynamic lighting (fireballs etc)
Hidden surface removal via BSP-Tree
Fast Frustum Culling
100% dynamic collision dection using brushes
Polygonal Characters like Monsters etc..
Particle & Sprite System
BSP-SubModels (like doors, platforms etc) with collision
GAME-DLL interface for easy & fast creation of
new awesome games
Support for 8-bit as well as 24-bit PCX textures
Texture Manager to change charcteristics of surfaces
Multiline-Funcion-Line-Tracing to support special
effects like different sounds when walking on Ice etc...
Real Mirrors
Enhanced Console System with commands & variables
Own fileformats & compiling tools (still similar
to quake utils)
Model Editor for Alias models as Monster etc...
Sound Engine with stereo seperation & distance
attenution using DirectSound
Support for various Input Devices as Keyboard, Mouse,
Joystick using DirectInput
Well documented & structuraed Watcom C+ 10.6
sourcecode (compiling utils are straight C)
Or if you really want to
check out the demo...just click here
Please notice that the demo
is about 1.6MB so it might take a while to download. You can download the
archives if you have problems
downloadingn the big one or if you already downloaded it and just want
to update to
the latest version. Needed
archives are high-lighted. The level included with demo was
made by Corin Langosch, but
all the textures & sounds
used are NOT made by us. Some are from ID Software, some
are from others. Also the
game-dll is mostly a copy
from ID's because it's jzst meant as a demo !
Smaller archives for updates
or those who have problems with the big one:
- GlWof executable can
be downloaded here. (need it!)
- To get the needed sound
files click here.
- The alias models are
here. (need it!)
- This is the place for the levels
& textures.
- With this link you can download the utils
& some sourcecode.
If you want to report bugs
because the engine didn't work properly on your system please:
- make sure you read all the readme files that came
with the demo & tried all suggested solutions
- notice we tested it only with the Monster 3D (voodoo
chip) & fullscreen mode
- we got some keyboard errors - try using the -win
- english keyboard will be in it really soon
I'm sorry but we don't have any screenshots yet. There will be some
really soon. But rember, if you want to get the real
feeling of GlWof we suggest to download the demo.
We work with the Watcom C++ 10.6 compiler but
it tmust be easy to port the code to another compiler like Borland C or
MicrosoftC. There is no assembler and/or optimisations used so the engineis
a lot slower than it could be. The model
editor & the texture manager are done using
VC++ 5.0. If you have question concerning these tools and not the engine
itself please send your email to Frank
If you have improvements, questions or suggestions
concerning the engine please let us know.
If you are about to license
the engine and want to have more technical details
or information, we would be proud to answer them.
Back to WOF's Main Page
This page is copyright 1998 by
Corin langosch.