Corin‘s Sourcecode Archive



This is my sourcecode archive where you can find almost everything I coded from the beginning on. I started programming
on a 0x86 (XT) with 9.45Mhz. I used to use qbasic that came with DOS. Later I changed to pascal because basic didn’t
have ASM and was to slow for real games. Also basic quickly brought me to ist limits. Almost everything I wrote was in
Pascal from thereon. The first C++ application was WOF, so there are no sourcecodes for C++ programs I wrote. It’s been
very difficult to get into coding because none of my friends did it, so I didn’t have a chance to get the software I needed and
noone to discuss things with. Thought, this hasn’t really changed yet, except the over internet....
If you use any of these sources or just parts of it, please be so kind and give me some credits. I'm also looking forward
to see some improvements or projects that have been build using my ideas. Thanks !

Basic files (MS qbasic that comes with DOS):

1 ) Trucks. This is a more or less small game I wrote. It’s been some of my first
     programs ever I think. You have to drive a truck and collect some bonus points
     but you also have to take care of some enemies.
      Click here to get the source.

2) Money. This is a small game similar to pacman. As the other program I wrote it in
    1995 or 1994 if I rember correct, thought I was in the 7th grade.
      Just get it here.

Pascal files (borland pascal 7.0):

1) Fully functional multiline BBS program with loads of tools. Including a sysop chatter,
    a multiline chatter, konferenz system, filemanager etc..
    I programmed it some time ago in 1995 so please don’t ask me questions about since
    I wont be able to answer them, thought. Please notice that you need a fossil driver to
    be able to run the program.
      Click here to get the source.

2) My very first 3d demo program written with BP7.0 & some inline ASM. It’s been a very
    nice experience to invent all the algos on my own and it’s a horrible mess. Most of it are
    big hacks to run fast enough on a 286 with 12.5Mhz. It includes a 3d starfiled, a lens effect,
    3d flat-shaded objects, 3d texture-mapped objects, various fireeffects and simple morphing.
    The demo was written as a demo program for my BBS system. Both had been developed
    at the same time.
      Click here to get the source.

3) A collection of many small demos and approaches I made to get my demos working. I think
    it’ll be great if you want to learn a thing and see how I figured out everything on my own, but
    be carefull: it might include lots of crap. Some things might be lens-flare, 3d starfield,
    line-drawing, triangle drawing, scaling, texture-mapping etc...
      Get the package here.

4) An address manager. It’s been a quite good address manager for those times, because it
    includes memory swapping and uses virtual memory. So you are able to have an address
    book as big as you want. Some other features are export & import from DBASE III files
    and sorting, printing etc. It’s been a very nice experience to write a program that uses
    pointers and I learned a lot about the technical parts of PCs because of the DPMI etc..
     Get this awesome stuff here.

Watcom C++ files:

Sorry nothing here, because WOF has been my very first C++ application....
You can download some older source of the DOS-WOF engine from the DOS-WOF page.

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This page is copyright 1998 by Corin langosch.