Standby, K3IR-SPARC Logo Standin.
Amateur Radio Club
P.O.Box 1033
Lancaster, Pa. 17608-1033

2004 Meeting Schedule

Monthly Regular Membership Meetings

Regular membership meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at the Rapho Township Municipal Building at 971 North Colebrook Road. Visitors are always welcome. Meetings begin at about 7:00 PM with a short discussion of club business and current events. The rest of the time is devoted to a technical topic. Speakers, including both club members and invited experts, give a talk about a particular area of interest or expertise.

The meeting dates are:

21 January 
18 February 
17 March 
21 April 
19 May 
16 June 
21 July 
18 August 
15 September
20 October 
17 November 
15 December 

Weekly Radio Network Meetings

The club holds a weekly net every Tuesday evening at 2030 hours or 8:30 PM local time on the on K3IR 2 meter repeater (145.230). All are welcome to join. The net agenda is:

     1. General QST - Call to all Hams. 
     2. Call for any EMERGENCY or Priority QTC. 
     3. K3IR-SPARC Net Roll Call (list QTC).
     4. Call for New Station Check-ins.
     5. Call for Late Station Check-ins.
     7. General SPARC Announcements.
     8. Hamfest/Computerfest Listings.
     9. Swap/Trade Shop.
    10. VEC Exam Session Locations & Dates
    11. Call for Late Station Check-ins.
    12. Net QNI Count and Time Check.
    13. Close-of-Net by Net Control Operator.
    14. Opening of repeater for general use.
    15. Post network QTC exchanges.

Board Meetings

Board meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month.  These meetings are for board members and club officers. Others are welcome by invitation only.

The meeting dates are:

7 January 
4 February 
3 March 
1 April 
5 May 
2 June 
7 July 
4 August 
1 September
6 October 
3 November 
1 December 

 This site Copyright (C) 2002-2004, SPARC, Inc.
SPARC Inc. is a 501(C)(3)Not-For-Profit Organization Incorporated March 27th, 1992