East Iowa Cadet Squadron

The Civil Air Patrol operates one of the largest communications systems in the country with more than 6,000 fixed land stations and more than 10,000 land and airmobile radios operated by over 20,000 trained communicators. This system consists of voice and automatic digital communications capabilities on long and short circuit paths. Hundreds of individual networks are linked together to form a highly flexible and survivable nationwide traffic handling system.

The CAP National Digital Radio Network has drawn particular interest from other organizations such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency which has joined the network and included it in their emergency communications planning. The NDRN consists of more than 2,000 computer based radio stations which take advantage of leading edge technology to automatically establish links as necessary and pass error-free message traffic throughout the system. Because the system doesn't rely on telephone lines, it is highly survivable in the event of natural or man-made disasters and--also because of its radio-based architecture--it is extremely flexible allowing end-users to "plug" into the system from anywhere within radio range of one of the 500-plus system nodes across the country.

East Iowa Cadet Squadron is one on the leading communications supporters in the Iowa Wing. Lieutenant Colonel Mercer Richardson, is the Iowa Wing Director of Communications (Iowa CAP 4) and Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Doug Jansen is currently the only cadet qualified as a Communications Unit Director in the Iowa Wing.

We have a CAP repeater in Marion on standard CAP frequencies. We also have two digipeaters (IA00043 and IA00027) in Cedar Rapids. East Iowa hosts three local VHF nets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights at 2100 hours on the repeater. We also host the Iowa Wing HF net on Thursday nights.

East Iowa Communicators:

Curry, Joe IOWA CAP 117
Glasgow, Rex IOWA CAP 180 KD0WHH
Krenz, Mike IOWA CAP 53 N0LNG
Prochaska, Steve IOWA CAP 73 N0QGC
Richardson, Lesley IOWA CAP 175 N0LGK
Richardson, Mercer IOWA CAP 4 and IOWA CAP 176 K0VIF
Scott, Cynthia IOWA CAP 178
Scott, Mike IOWA CAP 46
Spitzer, Terry IOWA CAP 181
Tindal, Doug IOWA CAP 71
Benson, Brian IOWA CAP 143
Brennan, Mike IOWA CAP 145 KC0DXN
Brown, Sam IOWA CAP 171 KB0UUI
Hansel, Robby IOWA CAP 187
Inglis, Beth IOWA CAP 147
Jansen, Doug IOWA CAP 173 KB0UUJ
Pospischil, Nick IOWA CAP 183
Thacker, Caleb IOWA CAP 182

Communications Programs:


Cedar Valley Amateur Radio Club
Linn County ARES

Manuals and Regulations:

  1. AFI 33-118 (Frequency Management)
  2. CAPM 50-15 (Download)
  3. CAPR 100-1 (Download)

Other Agencies:


Training Materials:

This site maintained by Doug Jansen, C/LTC, CAP (Iowa CAP 173)
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