Aviation Exploring

Current Events

EVERY MONDAY from 7:00 - 9:00p Regular Aviation Explorer meetings (7:00pm - 9:00pm)


AVIATION EXPLORER POST 202 - Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March20, 2000.


Here is a debriefing of our last meeting: The OPA meeting was Thursday, March16, 2000 @ 1800 hrs, at the Independence Senior Center.  Bill, Charlie, andmyself showed up.  The meeting started off with a potluck, full of good food. Then we were told of the upcoming events at Independence State Airport.  Onthe next Memorial Day, which is Monday, May 29, there will be a ceremony andFly Over.  We were told that a B-25 Mitchell, and several other aircraft,possibly T-6's, T-34's, and maybe even the P-51 and T-28 will fly over.  Someof the aircraft will land, so we can get a closer look.  Food will beprovided.  Last year, Matt Franklin (Previous Post President) and myself(Vice President at the time) attended the ceremony at the flag pole in frontof Annie's.  We had the privilege of lowering and raising the flag during theNational Anthem.  We also marshalled several aircraft, including a PT-17 andStaggerwing.  Hopefully this year can get everyone in our post to attend theceremony.  Other events that were discussed were the EAA Young Eagles on June10th.   The President of the Oregon Pilots Association was the guest speaker.She talked about the OPA, and how it can improve, and discussed many otherthoughts and ideas.   The meeting was adjourned around 1945.

I would like to see more explorers attend the OPA meetings.  We do not meeton the Monday during OPA week, we are supposed to be meeting on Thursdayduring the OPA meeting.  The OPA is one of our sponsor's, we are associatemembers, therefore we (explorers) attend their meetings.  I reminded everyonein school of the meeting, and it was also in the last eNews.  It would behelpful if someone who attends the OPA meetings would bring along a notepadand paper, and take notes on important dates and times of events.

Yesterday in the Statesman Journal, in the Local section, there was anarticle about EAA Chapter 292 and The Noon Patrol.  I'll bring the article to the next meeting for everyone to read, if you haven't already.