Stephanie Juy

I am a Grade 1 student. I like to play with my friends: Khojesta, Ela, Julienne, Rafal and Eric. I like to play with the toys at school and also I like to read the books in my classroom. My teacher is a very nice person, I like her a lot.

I like running and jumping. I participate in the Kilometer Run at school.

My favorite TV Show is Sailor Moon. I, also, like to watch Beasties and Spiderman.

The movies I like the best are the Sailor Moon S and R.

The Computer Game I like is the Barbie Fashion Designer, I have so much fun with it.

The books I liked reading are The Dragon and I Can Climb.

The music I listen the most is: My Only Love from Sailor Moon.

The food I love is Pizza, Baked Chicken and French Fries. And I also love Chocolate Bars, Ice Cream, Potato Chips and MacDonald's stuff.

My favorite colours are: Purple, Pink and Red.

My favorite internet links are:

Sailor Moon sounds and Images
The sailor Moon Funny Faces Gallery

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