Hey! Looking for your own entry, huh? Well, have fun and you can see the names of everyone else who bothered!<><

erynn doyle - 09/28/99 02:56:11
My URL:/southbeach/cabana/5393
My Email:some_potted_meat@hotmail.com

believe it or not, our physics teacher made us come here for an internet lab! anyway, your page was the most interesting page i saw. if you want to see an interesting page, though, check mine out. its interesting alright. anyway, thanks for making my physics lab interesting. (i have used the word interesting entirely too much, yo) later.

KAthERine Fu - 08/25/99 13:40:25
My Email:aznempressfu@juno.com
Comments:: Buffy is weird!

Hey yii-ann! you are sooo cool. i had fun hangin with you this morning and playing that annoying game, but the frosting thing was good because it was really funny, but i hope Kristin isn't too mad. well, anyway nice page. it's physco! ( i don't know how t speel it, sorry) bye have fun in college! -kat

Kristin - 08/19/99 21:49:35
My Email:aphro1dite@hotmail.com

hmmmmm, interesing, actually i won't even go there, cause ummm, i have to confess I didn't read it! But I like the thing that first popped up when I typed in the address...but anyway, signed your guestbook! love you!

Olivia - 08/19/99 08:18:26
My Email:aivilojuno.com

Just two words...."ao ao!" ;D Okay, well, it's quite disturbing that you could actually connect Buffy to something intellectual. =D I'm so kidding...;) Anyhow, it's a cool page...i'll comment again if i come back...ahem, right. ;) Alright, you know love you...well that's it. Bye!

Jenny Lee - 07/14/99 22:26:28
My Email:I'm not giving my e-mail out online

hey i only browsed through this Buffy filled site but if i ever need to a quick reference of Newton's laws i'll be sure to stop by. hmm add some cool stuff to this site and enjoy buffy i guess i never watch that show. alrighty bye now good job your site works! j/k bye. :) smile everyone!

Lee - 07/13/99 22:55:29
My Email:LeeWil1226@aol.com

Yii, to steal your phrase, congradulations! You have created a work of art. However, I have to say that I am nothing but frightened to be rooming with a psycho obsessed buffy fan! And don't worry, I won't call you tonight between the hours of 8 and 9 d ring the season finale! :)

Bob - 07/12/99 07:27:50
My URL:http://www.P2-C2.com/physics/
Comments:: Yeah! It works! Good Job Yii, I knew you could do it!! (Hey, I'm quite calm!)


Jacwu Ouren - 07/12/99 06:48:01
My Email:lukeiamyourfather@hotmail.com SIKE dont mail anything to there.......


Wackie Ju - 07/12/99 06:37:27
My Email:AzNgRoOvE4@aol.com

you make sir newton so interesting :o)

Helen - 07/09/99 23:01:44
My Email:nelehgnow@uswest.net

WOW!! What a butt-kicking site! Thanx for teaching me all about Newton's Laws. It was great! And in terms I could understand too! Now I love Buffy The Vampire Slayer even more since it's soooooo educational!

Fuddog - 07/02/99 18:25:39
My Email:LittleIssa@aol.com

Yo! Well, as you probably have noticed... I have already signed this book once. But I wanted to be special and sign it one more time! Only because the page is so dope... and because my master Buff-Yii made it. And to Buffy-Yii I say " Remember to not WORK too hard and never never go near the evil yellow boy!"

rachel - 07/02/99 05:52:34
My Email:ripples2001@juno.com

=D YII-ANN!!!! Fellow NSYNC disliker!!! (hate is too strong of a word..=) ahh!!! physics!!!yucky!!! nice page though..more interestin than garett's was..just baseball and stuff...but buffy!! thas some major originality right there!! awesome..course the physics part sucks...but then anything with physics in it sucks to me..so it's all goot..=D anyways, i signed it just for you!!! =D

Ginny Kwok - 07/02/99 03:04:14
My Email:ginny@foxinternet.net

This is a cool page. I like that you're using Buffy for your page. very good =)

Nathan Theurer - 06/30/99 20:34:09
My Email:mrnate@postnet.com

This is a cool sight. Ummm.....Hmmm......It's cool. I am not much good at signing these....hmmm....remember at the Hotel California you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.

D-Dogg - 06/28/99 05:20:33
My Email:nope!

Wow, Yii-Ann has made it to the WORLD WIDE WEB!! That's very exciting! Way to go Yii-Ann! From the comments I read, though, everyone should settle down (especially Bob!). Only kidding, Bob!

Xena - 06/25/99 07:05:12
My Email:teenahleen@juno.com

"When I go out, I play in the street. I get hit by cars, I make mashed potatoes...I get hit by cars...yeah!" Way to go, Buff-Yii!!!

Melissa Fuda ( Aka Melssa Fua, Fudogg) - 06/25/99 06:51:00
My Email:littleissa@aol.com

Well, over all I think this page was highly educational. I mean I learned so much from it that my brain nearly exploded!! Seriously. I just loved it. It touched me so deeply. But one thing I couldn't understand was why you did so much WORK!! Ha ha... no i was beautiful! An art! A true american masterpiece. And Buffy, long live Buffy! But when on when are they going to show the final??? Well, what else can I say but my master Yii-Ann did a dope job. And of course I know D-dogg junior would be proud of her !! Peace out!!

William Cockrell - 06/23/99 16:39:19
My Email:cockrell@bama.ua.edu

Hey guys love the site! I thought it was funny as hell! And I'm proud to say I was visitor number 69! Woo-Hoo!

Mr. Robinson - 06/16/99 06:43:07
My Email:trobinso@kent.wednet.edu

Dunh-dunh-duhhh. Nice work you vamp slayer wanna-be. I laughed, I cried (no I didn't hurl!!) See ya- TR

Willow - 06/09/99 04:03:06

Yay Buff-Yii!! Fantastic job on the Buffy web page!! Giles would be proud! It kicks vampire ass!!

Adria Chiu - 06/08/99 05:13:46
My Email:you know it

Yeah, so my question is...how come you didn't do the thermodynamics of how HOT Angel is?? huh huh?? j/k :) yeah, so this is site is pretty cool..now i'm inspired to make my own web page. Yii-Ann...did i ever tell you you're my hero?? Alright, well enou h of that mushy stuff. Nice web page, later!

Mark - 06/08/99 05:06:25

Oh yeah....that's just great...a Jesus fishy on a webpage about Vampires.

Shilpa - 06/08/99 04:54:33
My Email:Jas2727@aol.com

Yii-Ann is soo cool, and this web page is so awesome I can' t even believe it

- 06/08/99 04:26:07


Alisa - 06/08/99 04:21:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Runway/1435/physicstales.html
My Email:aznwannabe@hotmail.com

Well, pretty nifty page! I like the Buffy animation :-). Hope you get a good grade on it- and I'll ttyl k? Bye for now!

Bob - 06/08/99 04:13:03
My Email:tfancher@nwrain
Comments:: does it work?

well, does it?

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