November 28, 2003 4:34PM MST
- Well folks my Home Page is finally starting to get back up please be patient- Xaneria -
January 04, 2004 5:54AM MST
- Sorry about the incredibly long time in between posts but I have been busy with the christmas season and trying to make it a good one for my family. I have finished adding the poetry and I put up a Wishlist of stuff I wish I had :). - Xaneria -
January 08, 2004 12:41AM MST
- School is going great so far I am doing Calculus, Social Studies, and Physics, in Calculus we are learning about limits, basically about finding the slope of a tangent line, in Social Studies we are learning about Democracy, Dictatorship, Capitalism, and Socialism, and in Physics we are learning about Work and Energy. - Xaneria -
April 17, 2004 9:54PM MST
- School is FINISHED!, I have succeeded very well in my courses and should be receiving my acceptance to my degree program in college this upcoming September. I am proud of myself and my goals may now become reality. It is a very exciting time for me. - Xaneria -