Data Base |
Below you will find the current data base. With help from kind contributors, it will grow into a substantial information source. For now, the data available shows the types of articles and programs we wish to post. If you have any suggestions for the data base, whether articles, programs, web sites, or anything else of quality and value please E-MAIL. Please be patient. This is a new undertaking and there will be some growing pains. All our articles will be converted to Adobe PDF format because of its high quality imaging and printing capabilities as well as its cross platform support. Get the FREE Acrobat Reader here: For now, all programs will be on our site in executable Zip format. If we run out of disk space we will consider alternatives.
ARTICLES TOPICS - Articles needed. PRIMER - Motor design. PROPEP - Propellant predictions. MOTORDESIGN - From DARK. PARACH1 - Parachute from DARK.
PROGRAMS CASING - Motor chamber strength. Absolutely Excellent! PROPEP & GUIPEP - The programs. PROPEP - The source code. Convert it to VB? CHAMBER PRESSURE - Unrestricted core. CORESS - Thrust, time and pressure, Bates grains.