What is a Flying Club?
A Flying Club is an organized group of pilots who come together in a cooperative effort to own and fly airplanes. A Club has a group of Board Members who spearhead this effort and make policy with regard to rules and regulations governing the use of the aircraft. These are the Bylaws and Operating Procedures which highlight the easy to understand rules and regulations. In general, our Flying Club gives you the pilot greater flexibility and freedom in the use of the aircraft, to a point where it can feel like your "own airplane." Once you are checked out and signed off on our aircraft, you are free to computer book an allotted time usage for the aircraft, come to the airport, get the keys and go. Our Flying Club has an Insurance based specific number of pilots that we can accept. At present, we have a limited number of available openings. Flying Club members take pride of ownership and take far better care of our aircraft than if the pilot "rents" from a Flying School. In general, the same people know and fly our aircraft and this in turn means they are more familiar with that aircraft's characteristics. Only Club members can fly our aircraft. If you feel that you want to become part of our 3 aircraft club and can work well with others in a cooperative club atmosphere, we would welcome talking to you. Please call or e-mail any Board Member.
Why Should I Join a Flying Club?
Good Question: Many of our recent inquiries are coming from Pilots who are “giving up” their expensive one-owner or small limited partnership group ownerships. The overall comments tend to be the same” “It’s getting to expensive”, “it’s too much airplane”, “the partners are not interested”, I’m not flying as much as I need to justify the ownership”, “I don’t go the long distances I thought I would.” “The hassle of maintenance, upkeep, fuel, and rent is out of proportion”, “I don’t have the time”, “I just want to go for a half day ride once-in-a-while”. “I need to downsize my plane requirements”.
All of the above reasons make a Flying Club perfect for today’s Pilot. Here at the New England Flying Club, we have a comfortable office. The Executive Board and Maintenance Officer take care of all the airplane needs, Maintenance and bookwork. All you the club member have to do is to get checked out and qualified by our Experienced Instructors, book a usage slot via online AirCraft Clubs, come to the office, get your keys and go. Our aircraft are completely refurbished with new paint, interiors, and digital avionics and are maintained in like new condition inside and out! Our high quality Beechcraft Fleet is ideal for today’s occasional flyers. We invite you to come in and sit down with a Board Member at your earliest convenience. Find out why New England Flying Club Membership gives you that same “Pride of Ownership” feeling without all the hassle of individual ownership, or all the red tape, convoluted restrictions and plane booking inconsistencies associated with old fashioned “Flying School” rental planes. The difference will be instantly obvious to you!
How do I Join and get information?
At present, NEFC has a limited number of available openings. We are seeking, mature, responsible, qualified Pilots. We will also talk to and give guidance to non-current Pilots to help you get you on the path to currency. We will talk to non-pilots who have a real interest in aviation and give you the options available to get you licensed. The next move is up to you. Contact Club President, Scott Miller or Maintenance Officer, Lou Maglio at the phone contacts or Email address' on the Board Web Page and we will get back to you promptly.
What requirements must I meet to earn a Private Pilot license?
You must fly and log a minimum of 40 hours total flying time (most students will take 50-60 hours to reach a proficient level), including at least 20 hours of flight instruction with our Certified Flight Instructor. In addition and concurrently, you will take an FAA Written (CAT) Computer Based Knowledge Test and a Flight Standards Test with an FAA Examiner. You must also be able to pass and have a current FAA 3rd Class Medical Certificate.
Where can I learn more about what it takes to earn my rating?
Go to www.beapilot.com to learn more about how to become a pilot.
How do I pay for my flying?
By monthly check! At the beginning of each month you will receive a statement that details all the flying you did during the previous month, and lists all your charges and credits. Each month you will pay for the prior month's activity by sending a check for the balance due to the club treasurer.
For Information on becoming a member, e-mail any club officer