The 3000gt is one of the few Asian sportscars still in production
today. It is a true sportscar unlike American muscle cars
and wanna-be sportscars (Viper, Corvette, Rustang). The
muscle and wanna-be cars are only good for driving fast for a
short period of time in a straight line (i.e. drag racing).
They don't handle worth anything as some Corvette, and Rustang
drivers have kindly demonstrated in front of me while flying off
the interstate into the ditch when attempting to change lanes at
high speed. The 3000gt is a different beast that actually
handles well in real driving conditions, and thanks to it's
electronically controlled suspension it doesn't have to ride like
a sportscar all the time. The car is acurately described by
Mitsubishi as an exotic luxury grand touring sportscar.
Dodge was selling a car called the Stealth for some time that was
a 3000gt on the inside with Dodge's body on the outside.
For loads of information on the 3000gt and Stealth check out the 3000gt Stealth International site.
Some of the features of my 3000gt:
Some of the things I really like about it:
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