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What if this happened to you?

You have worked hard. You own a development company. You build houses for a living. You have finally started to taste success from your hard work. You have a tract of homes built. Sales are good.

You have a family with several children and a husband who stands by you. Things seem wonderful. Some of your children have Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The problems your teenagers have from the impulsivity, difficulty in school and in relationships, takes its toll, but you are dealing with its challenges. You discover that you have it yourself.

But you have learned to maximize the assets of the different brain wiring. By your late 30s you have learned to minimize the liabilities, and built a successful business despite it. Statistic: A very high percentage of business owners have undiagnosed ADD / ADHD.

You finally constructed your dream home. You believe you have it made.

But all is not rosy. People envy your success. A couple of them become extremely bitter, and set their heart on tearing you down to their level of misery. You don't know this yet, and leave yourself vulnerable. Things go from rosy, to bad, to worse, to total terror in a few short months.

An employee starts having marital problems. His wife starts spending a lot of time on line and apparently developing cyber relationships. Then he claims he is in love with you. You tell him that you care for him and his family as friends. You try to help him and his wife reconcile.

But he quits, moves, and stews and ruminates. He says you ruined his life, and he swears to get even. You get on with your life, but then things start happening.

Imagine that then you get threatening email. Phone calls in the middle of the night say your house is your life, and destroy the house, and you will have to come out and run to him.

Your email account gets hacked. Letters go out in your name, to drive a wedge between you and your friends on line. Letters get sent snailmail to do the same thing. Your ICQ account gets hacked. You realize you are being stalked.

Whoever it is doesn't leave enough of a trail for law enforcement to really get a handle on. So you start keeping logs. Then just when you thought you could tune out the harrassment, it gets more physical.

Your home is burglarized: it happens several times, but no suspects are ever arrested.

You have online friends put together a resource page for dealing with stalking. The page is allegedly hacked.
Click here for the Stop the Stalking Page

You get more threats, but no real action from law enforcement. So you have a state of the art security system installed.

Almost immediately, the alarm system is challenged. You spot people in your yard, on your roof, casing the place and probing for weak spots on the security monitors. Sometimes these probes trip the alarm, but yet no one is ever apprehended. The law gets tired of it and decides you are another one of those nuisance types that sees Martians under their bed. They assume it is a case of the boy who hollered "Wolf".

You gradually become an emotional basket case. Repeatedly the security system is challenged, and you become afraid to be labelled more of a kook by reporting these. You instead start keeping a log of various stalking incidents. You receive more threats on line, but people think that you are just making them up to get sympathy.

Finally friends persuade you to get out and away from it all. So for the first time in months, on January 9, 1998 you go eat out of town.

You return to discover that your house has had a fire in the laundry room. The security system called the fire department, who got it put out before the whole place could go up. It is winter. The doors are still open and a few windows are damaged in the course of putting out the fire, but there is evidence of forced entry prior to the fire.

Then your worst fears are confirmed. Someone has stolen your logs and documentation of the stalking incidents. Your hard drive on the computer has files erased. Several floppy disks are missing. Most of the damage is from smoke, and you believe that once everything is cleaned up that maybe you can get back to some semblance of normalcy. But you feel really violated, and you are certain that this fire was not an accident.

No fingerprints are taken, the law does not even believe any foul play occurred.

Just when you thought things could get no better, you find out otherwise. You hear from a restoration specialist. He says he is just starting out but can get you back to normal.

So, you jump at it, wanting to get this over with quickly. At first the work proceeds smoothly, but things start to get irregular in a hurry. You notice it because you have built a lot of houses.

As he starts cleaning up you notice that the crew is breaking and damaging far more than they repaired. They are like a bull in a china closet, getting paint and debris on un-damaged furnishings. They use your furniture as work benches. They leave cigarettes everywhere. You bring up the subject of various cleanup problems.

They start telling you of all kinds of problems, and the job stretches out. They are billing the insurance company directly, and they start replacing paneling and such with cheaper, inferior components. They say the insurance people won't pay for more.

Things get more irregular. Then they start threatening you with problems if you don't shut up and quit complaining. They continue to trash the place. Then stuff disappears a little at a time.

By now you are seriously sure these folks are simply out to milk all they can get from the insurance. Your childrens' Christmas presents start disappearing. Cookware vanishes. Heirlooms disappear. Other valuable items end up broken. This progresses to wholesale pilferage.

The crew has been using your tools on the reconstruction job. They break things, and make halfhearted efforts to repair stuff. It is obvious that they are now damaging far more than they repair. Now they are threatening to claim you did all the damage and burned your own house.

Finally you discover that they have billed the insurance for thousands of dollars of materials and labor that was not purchased or done.

It has now been more than 3 months after the fire. You still can't inhabit the house. The crew keeps stalling, and more stuff vanishes. THey have thoroughly trashed the place.

They refuse to give back any of your tools, appliances, or other structural components they removed, saying it all belongs to the insurance company or them. They threaten you with legal trouble if you try to keep anything.

Your business fails because of all the other problems and the distractions and situation with the house. Creditors panic and start calling your notes. You of course do not have the cash flow to deal with this.

The rug has been jerked out from under you. Everything quickly goes down the drain. You finally realize you have to move. The entire community goes into a feeding frenzy as all you worked for a lifetime implodes on itself.

So you finally decide to move and start over. You have reached your limit, the end of your rope.

You are penniless now, with everyone moving in on you like vultures. You sell a few of your remaining tools to cover moving expenses. You give someone else several pieces of furniture in exchange for helping you move. He claims he has a moving company.

Instead, he ends up using a U Haul. He only gets half of your furniture that the crews haven't trashed. What he arrives with is badly damaged, and he keeps quite a few pieces missing. You have to make another trip on your own.

During this time, the people who were supposed to be taking care of your dogs had them destroyed. Then it gets worse.

The head of the contracting crew tells the law that you stole his tools and sold them, and swears a false affadavit. The law puts out an arrest warrant for you for sale of stolen goods. They put out an extradition order to the state you moved to, and have you arrested and held there for 6 days before being picked up and hauled back. Ultimately bail is granted, and finally the charges are dropped because the "evidence" does not hold water.

You end up losing almost everything you worked a lifetime for. You have been to Hell and back. Now imagine that you cannot afford an attorney to take your case for any kind of recourse. Your former home is totally trashed. The windows are broken, the doors stand open.

The legal harrassment continues, while you spend the next year trying to pick up what pieces are left of your life. But the buzzards are circling to finish the job, continuing to kick you while you are down.

Imagine that you have been through all of this, and it all happened in the past 18 months.

After getting nowhere trying to have your side of the stories heard either in a court of law or even in the court of public opinion, you finally turn to the Internet.

Now imagine that every time you try to tell the story that you are harrassed, that people complain to your internet service provider, and make trouble everywhere you turn.

Has this scenario bothered you? Does this kind of situation stick in your craw? Would you like to see the truth come out, rather than the assorted rhetoric? If you were penniless and still trying to put your life back together, would you appreciate help from the online community to investigate the facts of the case? Do you want to get to the truth? Click here and read more. Look at the evidence offered and make up your own mind. And if you believe a horrendous injustice has been done, join the cause.

As they say on the "X" files - "The truth is out there."

Search for the truth. Truth seeks the light, lies seek the cover of darkness. Lies require artificial support. The truth can stand intense scrutiny. Let's dig through this thing with a microscope and find out what is going on.

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Shake It Off And Step Up

Posted recently to several list servs. Author unknown.
A parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule. The mule fell into the farmer's well. The farmer heard the mule 'braying' -- or -- whatever mules do when they fall into wells.

After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving. Instead, he called his neighbors together and told them what had happened...and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery.

Initially, the old mule was hysterical! But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back...a thought struck him. It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his back...HE SHOULD SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP! This he did, blow after blow.

"Shake it off and step up...shake it off and step up...shake it off and step up!" he repeated to encourage himself. No matter how painful the blows, or distressing the situation seemed the old mule fought "panic" and just kept right on SHAKING IT OFF AND STEPPING UP!

You're right! It wasn't long before the old mule, battered and exhausted, STEPPED TRIUMPHANTLY OVER THE WALL OF THAT WELL! What seemed like it would bury him, actually blessed him...all because of the manner in which he handled his adversity.

THAT'S LIFE! If we face our problems and respond to them positively, and refuse to give in to panic, bitterness, or self-pity...THE ADVERSITIES THAT COME ALONG TO BURY US USUALLY HAVE WITHIN THEM THE POTENTIAL TO BENEFIT AND BLESS US!

Remember that FORGIVENESS--FAITH--PRAYER-- PRAISE and HOPE...all are excellent ways to "SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP" out of the wells in which we find ourselves.
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