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ASTRO beryl | ![]() |
English Version
Where and how to find BERYLLIUM, that is, minerals containing BERYLLIUM?
Extraction of BERYLLIUM
from BERYL (Be3Al2Si6O18
The company ASTRO beryl had its beginning in the early sixties, founded by a scientist who is now the president, Professor Manfredi Orgera. He was carrying on his research on rare metals with a high melting point, among which there is the BERYLLIUM, since he was a student of chemistry at the University of Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany). On October 5th. 1966 Mr. Orgera held a conference that was well appreciated in presence of about one-thousand scientists from all over the world, among whom there was also the famous rocket specialist and future conqueror of the Moon (20.7.69) with the super-rocket SATURN, Professor Werner Von Braun.This conference was held during the annual congress of the "German Society of Rocketry Technology and Research and Exploration of the Outer Space" (former DGRR, now DLR-DGLR) in Bad Godesberg, with the title: "BERYLLIUM for the Manned Space Flight". It was since much time before that Mr. Orgera was charmed by this metal and had recognized its great importance; though being also aware about the great and serious difficulties related to its extraction. The scientific research about BERYL and BERYLLIUM became crucial in his life, in special manner the production at a low cost and without toxicity (ecologic) of metallic BERYLLIUM from BERYL, with the major degree of purity. This was a hard way prospected ahead because many scientists all over the world were already attempting to discover this "mysterious" BERYLLIUM! The existence of BERYLLIUM is known since more than 200 years. In 1798 the French chemist Louis Nicolas VAUQUELIN, already known for having discovered the CHROME in a lead mineral from Siberia, discovered this metal through a very accurate analysis of BERYL, AQUAMARINE and EMERALD specimens he had received in 1796 from Professor R. J. HAUY in Paris (BERYLLIUM slipped from analysis of outstanding scientists like the Swedish BERGMAN, who discovered the NICKEL and the German KLAPROTH that discovered URANIUM!); VAUQUELIN also discovered through his careful research that BERYL, AQUAMARINE and EMERALD, until then considered different minerals, had the same chemical formula: beryllium-aluminum silicate, and the typical deep green colour of the emerald is due to small rates of chrome (1-3%). This is an important detail since VAUQUELIN himself had discovered the CHROME one year before(1797)! It is important to notice that VAUQUELIN discovered indeed the existence in nature of a new element, the BERYLLIUM, by isolating the BERYLLIUM OXIDE from BERYL, but did not achieve in isolating the metal. Only 130 years later, in 1928, the German scientists Prof. Dr. Alfred STOCK and Prof. Dr. Hans GOLDSCHMIDT were able, being the first ones in history, to extract metallic BERYLLIUM through an industrial process patented by them. This patent rights was acquired by the German company SIEMENS und HALSKE, that initiated the production in an pilot plant in Berlin. Mr. ORGERA had to overcome Sisyphus troubles to make BERYLLIUM! His first achievement was documented in a patent given in the USA on April 8th. 1986: U.S. Patent N° 4,581,065; title: "PROCESS FOR THE METALLO-THERMIC REDUCTION OF BeO"... In subsequent times, Mr. ORGERA was able to make essential improvements, perfectioning what has already been said in his patent. To the company, that until then (1985-86) was made-up only by Manfredi ORGERA, were soon added some financial supporters and sponsors interested in the BERYLLIUM PROJECT. In this way it was finally founded in September 1986 the company
With a branch office also in Fortaleza, Ceará, under the presidency of Ms. Brigitte Günther. BERYLTEC has been dealing mainly with supplying the raw material, that is the mineral BERYL, of which Brazil is the first world producer. Not only the logotype of the ASTRO beryl was ready since long time, but also Mr. ORGERA had a clear conception of his company; nevertheless, following unachievements, failed experiments and the need of further investments have dalayed the foundation of the company "ASTRO beryl A. G.". In 1985 the operative staff decided, under the presidency of Mr. ORGERA, to carry on the ASTRO beryl as a GbR (Civil Right Society), that is, a Society for Research and Development with headquarters in Turin, Italy. In 1997, Mr. ORGERA finally achieved his last and definitive experiment, to produce metallic BERYLLIUM of high purity (99,9% suprapur®). All the "ingredients", including the "catalyst" agreed perfectly and the way towards the future of ASTRO beryl A. G. was paved! A new Age has begun! An experiment for the future was perfectly achieved! In 2001-2002, during a long stay in Brazil, Mr. ORGERA has attained a 1000t/year supply of excellent quality BERYL (12-13% BeO) quarried from beryl pegmatites from Minas Gerais. This allows him to plan a plant able to produce 100 t/year BeO, that is equal to 25 t/year BERYLLIUM metal for 250 Milion that make one year turnover! Therefore, Mr. ORGERA as President of the next to be firm ASTROBERYL A.G. is able to offer the best profit to SPONSORS all over the world, verily interested in investing at least 100.000 pro capite for the BERYLLIUM PROJECT and the foundation of the ASTROBERYL A.G. To enhance the great importance of BERYLLIUM, we want to explain what BERYL is, and then what BERYLLIUM is, where and how to find it, how is it extracted, what is it for and for what is it wrought. BERYLLIUM is definitely a "rare element" on earth. If we consider that the main mineral to extract BERYLLIUM is BERYL (Be3Al2Si6O18) and this contains a maximum average of 4% BERYLLIUM and that present world production of BERYL is not more than 10,000 tons per year, of which we can extract about 150-200 tons of BERYLLIUM per year for the whole world, it is possible to acknowledge the great importance of this! For these reasons, and taking account of the complexity of present methods of extraction ( BRUSH WELLMAN Company, Ohio, USA), and of the high toxicity of some Beryllium compounds as Beryllium fluoride (BeF2) and Beryllium chloride (BeCl2), which are essential for the industrial extraction of BERYLLIUM metal until now (!), - in fact, only the patented ORGERA process is free from any toxic pollution -. So, it is not amazing that pieces of wrought BERYLLIUM metal are about 20% more expensive than similar pieces of gold! BERYLLIUM METAL price (1998) = ca. 10,000 / kg. Regarding the BERYLLIUM raw material, we can say that until now they are known about 30 minerals containing BERYLLIUM, but only five of them are important sources of BERYLLIUM, and only two are actually worked on in huge amounts (thousands of tons per year):
They have already been discovered important mineral deposits of which, however, until now (Summer 1998) extraction has not yet been initiated . So we go to the next question: Where and how to find BERYLLIUM, that is, minerals containing BERYLLIUM? There are most notable deposits of FENACITE in Yellowknife (Great Slaves Lake, Canada). There are huge deposits of CRYSOBERYL in Sierra Blanca, El Paso, Texas and in the Seward peninsula, Alaska. Deposits of GADOLINITE are present in Western Siberia, Polar-Ural area. However,we will now concentrate only on deposits of BERYL widespread throughout the world, and on the few, until now only two, deposits of BERTRANDITE in Utah and in the Hungry Steppe of KAZAKHSTAN. The most important deposit of BERTRANDITE in the world, in the Thomas Range in Utah, belongs to the BRUSH-WELLMAN Company , Ohio, and provides since 1969 more than a half of the total production of BERYLLIUM in the USA. The supplies of this deposit will be enough until year 2040. With regards to the deposit in KAZAKHSTAN, we know very little because of the severe rules of secrecy held by the former Soviet Union (very high strategic importance because it is basic for producing nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles!). However it can be said with certainty that the BERYLLIUM plant that is second in the world after that of the American company BRUSH-WELLMAN in Elmore, Ohio, is the one in Kazakhstan, more precisely in Ust-Kamenogorsk. BERYL is an aluminum and beryllium silicate with the following formula: 3BeO·Al2O3·6SiO2 or else Be3Al2Si6O18 , which should contain at least 10-12% of beryllium oxide (BeO) to be economically suitable. BERYL is found only in so-called BERYL PEGMATITES, they are geologic formations similar to granite, structured in zones, whose main minerals are the same ones that compound granite, that is: quartz, feldspar and muscovite mica. Whereas in granitic rock these minerals are found in microscopic sizes, they are much bigger in the pegmatites: they are often found in pegmatites some giant rock crystals sized some metres and some tons of weight of quartz, feldspar, mica and of course, BERYL. For instance, at NACIP-RAIDAN, a tiny village in MINAS GERAIS, Brazil, it has been found in 1989 a giant crystal of ELIODORE (BERYL golden-yellow in colour that is used as precious stone) high 2.5 metres and 1.5 metres at the basis that reache 13 tons of weight! These pegmatites, structured in zones, are made of:
Beryl crystalizes in hexagonal prisms, which are concentrated in "nests" inserted into the sourrounding mass of potassium feldspar. These beryl crystal are then manually separated from the feldspar mass. The regular ratio of feldspar regarding beryl is about 30 to 1. With regards to the mining of beryl pegmatites according to the mining economy it is important to consider what follows: With exception, perhaps, of some few cases in the underdeveloped countries of the Third World, in the industrialized countries the beryl pegmatites are taken in account only when there is the certainty that the main minerals, that is potassium feldspar (for production of glaze, ceramic paints and insulators), quartz (oscillators for radar and electronic devices, quartz clocks ) and mica (for electric insulators, for lagging and sound deadening materials for building) may guarantee an economic convenience of mining costs by their sale. Therefore, the extraction of BERYL is always considered as a secondary production instead of the main production! Thanks to the ORGERA PROCESS also the extraction of BERYL alone becomes important. Below there is a list of the main deposits of BERYL in the world with the indication of TONS/YEAR extracted. Our Company ASTRO beryl acknowledges that there are also other important deposits of BERYL, part of which have reached agreements with us, that we obviously cannot mention here.
Extraction of BERYLLIUM OXIDE (BeO) from BERYL mineral (Be3Al2Si6O18 ). ORGERA PROCESS, patented, phase A:
Di Sodium-Beryllium-Tetrafluoride
SiO2 + Al2O3 + FeO + Fe2O3
Extraction of BERYLLIUM METAL of high purity (99.9%) ORGERA PROCESS, patented - phase B
Now we have BERYLLIUM METAL of high purity that is ready for the following transformations and processing. We, ASTRO beryl, have now the only ones in the world BERYLLIUM <(Be 99.9%)>! of high purity, ductile, non-toxic! that we call: suprapur® What do we need beryllium for? And why is it so important? ¾ of the whole production is used for alloys, mainly copper-beryllium alloys. The BERYLLIUM, with its bright-silver colour <a> is a very hard metal <b>, but also very elastic <c>. The melting point of beryllium is ca. 1350°C <d> and for this it belongs to the high melting point metals. The beryllium is very light <e>, even lighter than aluminum, and its specific weight is 1.8. The beryllium has among all metals, the best thermal conductivity <f>. The beryllium is the best neutron moderator <g>, as well as an excellent neutron reflector <h>. All these qualities make beryllium one of the most requested metals! The beryllium is able, being added in small quantities (0.5 - 2.5%), to harden "soft" metals as copper or gold and such alloys will be much more long-lasting than pure metals <b+c>. Today is no longer possible to avoid employing beryllium in electric and electronic industry, especially the copper-beryllium alloys mentioned above <b, c, f>. To intend mentioning all the possibilities of employment of beryllium performed up to now, not to say also the future possibilities, would go beyond the goals of this report; therefore, here follow only some few examples: Can you imagine jewels
made in (almost pure) gold that after many years they do
not show any mark of wear? For the goldsmith industry and jewelry there are possibilities not still considered! The first space capsules carrying human beings: Vostok (GAGARIN), Mercury (GLENN) and Gemini (two astronauts) had a thick thermic shield made of beryllium (<d, e, f>). If a "manned
spacecraft" similar to the well-known Space Shuttle
is built completely in beryllium, it would no longer
be necessary any auxiliary rocket "to lose"
to set such a shuttle in orbit. We are able to do so! The company Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Inc. settled in Palo Alto, California, is making since 1966 jet fighters and missiles using an alloy of beryllium-aluminum (62% beryllium) whit the patented name "Lockalloy". The chief of the Department of Research and Development, Dr. Tai Gang Nieh has already got in touch with Mr. Orgera on Sept. 18th 1991 in a symposium about special alloys for aerospace held in San Diego on that date. He has stated in a clear way that is interested in buying all the beryllium which we would be able to produce in SUPRAPUR® quality according to the Orgera process. Without beryllium, the spaceship for moon-landing of the system Saturn-Apollo-Moon module would have not been able to land (20.7.1969) and not even the mission to Mars (4.7.1997) would have achieved with such a precision. In fact, only the high
precision instruments for inertial navigation , needed
mainly by supersonic aircrafts, rockets and spaceships,
make possible such flyings and landings which must be
performed with absolute precision. We all know that the brakes of Formula 1 cars are of fundamental importance. If the Ferrari driven by M. Schumacher would be equipped with disc brakes of beryllium, this would be invincible (<b, c, e, f>). If the composite structure
of a boat would be made of beryllium, it would be for
sportive yachting much stable than those made of steel,
lighter than those in GFK (plastic reinforced by fiber glass) or other synthetic materials, and always more
elastic (<b, c, e>). Now it follows the most important fact: The future of energy production lays on nuclear fusion, that must be clean, ecologic and cheap. This is possible only with BERYLLIUM! Mr. ORGERA has been
personally invited by the Physicist Prof. Dr. Enzo
BERTOLINI on Jan. 17th 1992 in St. Vincent
(Aosta, Italy), to attend in his conference on the
Nuclear Fusion Plant projected by him and tested by his
team with success the first time in history! "JET" (Joint European Torus), Culham, England These electro-magnetic systems are used to keep the "plasma", a gas mixture of two hydrogen isotopes: DEUTERIUM and TRITIUM, confined inside the torus-shaped reactor, that is right in the center. The "JET" plant
for Nuclear Fusion is the most modern one, in the most
advanced development stage, and works only with
BERYLLIUM. The external shielding of the reactor is made of BERYLLIUM plates alternated with structural elements of GRAPHITE. The BERYLLIUM is essential and indispensable (!) for the succesful achievement of the Nuclear Fusion Reaction. This reaction is triggered only by reaching the incredible temperature of 100 Million Celsius degrees! Just this thermo-nuclear
reaction has been triggered, it is absolutely essential a
continuous flow of billions of neutrons per second (!) in
order to maintain the reaction! Our scientist and Research & Development director, ORGERA Manfredi, has visited on Sept. 23rd 1993 the only company in the western world and up to now the most important, that extracts beryl and produces beryllium, the BRUSH WELLMAN Inc., whose headquarters are in 17876 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, whose director Mr TIMOTHY REID, has not only expressed the greatest interest for our research work but also has proposed concrete business for several millions Dollars. With this we reach the financial aspect and the company purpose of ASTRO beryl A.G. ASTRO beryl, until now only a Research & Development company whose main goal was the production of pure BERYLLIUM suprapur®, without toxic effects, and such goal has been already achieved, is now interested in placing such product in the market. The company purpose of ASTRO beryl settled in Torino, Italy, is:
Sig. Manfredi R.A.
Tel.cell. 333-4135629
e-mail: astroberyl@yahoo.it
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