The great news site updating continuously. It contains the latest tournament results and games.
Fantastic site.It may be your starting page for chess surfing. EVERYTHING about chess is here.
The greatest chess database in the net. 2 million games to search online by different variables.
My friend's homepage. He is a bughouse fanatic.
Tim Krabbé's Chess Curiosities
Very interesting chess matches in the history, problems, fun. Great page .
American chess magazine. I don't miss the columns of Seirawan and Minev.
The Correspondence Chess Place
Good stuff for correspondence players. News and many cor. games for free.
Chess Sector Homepage
A large chess site with news and GM analyses. Updated frequently.
Tournament news, games. Grandmaster analyses, openings, problems...
The best free database on the net. Includes games indexed in tournaments, openings,etc. in CBF, PGN , CB utilities, news archive and many more.
News updated daily from computer chess. The latest chess programs, tournaments, free chess programs...
Daily updating chess news from FIDE web editors.
Company of the best database program and Fritz, Junior series. Includes news, too.
Best place to play chess on the net. Watch grandmasters and search their games.
The publisher of the Chess Informant series. Lots of monographs, endgame and opening books. Electronic editions may be bought as well.
Daily updated discussion about computer chess. You can register for free.
Company of the famous chess program Rebel which beat Anand.
Best place to start e-mail chess. You may find ratings and database of the games played.
You can play e-mail chess there,too. There are interesting events as knock-out, thematic matches, pyramid and swiss tournaments.