A little bit about me. I grew up in Calcutta, India and am currently pursuing a Computer Engineering Degree in Bangalore, India.
This site is MY site!! It's everything about me, and reflects my tastes, colours, likes, et cetera. A lot of hard work and imagination has gone into the design and layout of this site. Hope you like it. Lastly, big thanks to David Sharp for his CSS style sheet.
So fasten your seat belts and let me take you on a mystical magical journey into my world. Welcome!!
I've been involved in a lot of co-curricular activites and the primarily have been into quizzing and soccer at school. Nowadays my hobbies include the following :–
Reading/Music – Reading is something I can't live without. In most of my free time I am reading something or the other - Be it course material or some fiction. My favourite genre of books are Popular Science and Humour. I'm not that much in to fiction, but I certainly make it a point to read a book which has been recommended to me. My favourite author is P G Wodehouse.
Reading also goes side-by-side with music. When I'm reading something, I got to have some music playing in the background. I pretty much listen to every genre of music. Music to me is universal, so whatever sounds good to me, I listen to it. My collection ranges from Dream Theater to Floyd to Dire Straits to Paul Van Dyk to Indipop to Ghazals, you name it!
Drawing/Sketching – Drawing is one of my favourite hobbies. I am mainly into pencil sketching, but currently I am experimenting with sketching by both pen and pencils. To see few of my sketches, click on the link above.
Programming – I simply love programming. A good round of problem solving by designing algorithms and converting it in to code has been my second favourite past time, after sketching. To see few problems which I've solved, click on the link above.
As I'm pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering, and programming being one of my primary hobbies, this section showcases few of the projects I've worked on.
You are free to use the code provided in here, but please give credit where necessary.
College Fest DBMS
Office Automation DBMS
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