links to other SETI sites - click "General Info" and scroll down to "Links to Other Sites", way at the bottom of the "General Info" page.
links to other SETI sites - scroll down to "Press Relations" on the left side of the screen and Click "Internet Svcs" at the bottom of the "Press Relations" list.
I never cease to be amazed at the huge number of experts the SETI community has produced.In spite of the fact that none of them have ever found an ET they remain experts on how to do it.They all know for instance that ET broadcasts a narrow band signal somewhere between 1400 and 1700 megahertz and in recent years some of them have come to know that ET sometimes transmits nanosecond laser pulses. ET never does anything else.How do they know that ??
Between the SETI Institute and the SETI League you can, at least, find links to almost anything to do with SETI.
JBTSETI is presently constructing the first SETI station designed to detect alien probes in our solar system. We call it the Solar System Mapping Project.
Anyone searching the Solar System needs information about the Solar System. The absolute BEST source I have found yet is called: Nine Planets. This site is an encyclopedia of images, explanations, data, and really excellent links to other useful sites.
There are thousands of "small" bodies in our solar system and locating one of them is almost impossible without some help. Lowell Observatory is an excellent source of help. On the home page click Resources and Services, then Asteroid Observer Services. ASTEPH plots an ephemeris for any "asteroid" you have a name for.
All of these packages take audio input from your sound card and do not require any special data aquisition cards.
The software page at the SETI League is a good place to look too.