Vorompatra's Extended Family
- Birds of the World lists the living orders with a webpage devoted to each family; see also Bird Families of the World.
- GeoZoo's Ratites at a Glance (just in case you skipped it on the introductory page).
- The Tinamou of South America
- Not exactly ratites, since they can fly, though not for very long or very far: they are paleognath (i.e. "old jaw") birds, related taxonomically to the ratites by cladistic analysis. Further information can be found at Tinamidae and Tinamous.
- The Moa of New Zealand
- This genus boasts the tallest bird ever known. Check out the Moa Pages or the Encyclopaedia Britannica for more information.
- The Kiwi of New Zealand
- The smallest of the ratites; check out Kiwi, Kiwis, and Kiwi Information.
- The Rhea of South America
- The "American Ostrich"--see Rheidae and Rhea Family.
- The Cassowary of Australia & New Guinea
- Someone once termed this bird "a turkey with an attitude" and it seems apt--check out Cassowary, Southern Cassowary, Cassowaries, and Casuariidae --lots of information and some nice pictures.
- The Emu of Australia
- See Emu and Dromiceidae for information and pictures about the second largest living ratite.
- The Ostrich of Africa
- Check out the Ostrich Page and Struthionidae.
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