Two moon photos taken by Bud Wertheim, Sullivan County, NY taken
5/11/00 with a Celestron C-5+ at prime focus with a Astrovid CCD camera.
Originals were captured at 950x1550 pixels and downsampled to 640x480
pixels. Slight tonal adjustments and unsharp mask applied.
Three craters stacked along the terminator: Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus,
and Arzeche to the right is Albategnius and Klein (inside Albategnius)
Another photo of the moon's surface.
The following photos were taken by J. Kocijanski in Monticello, NY.
Most of these pictures were taken piggybacked on a Celestron SPC-8
M6 - The Butterfly Cluster in Scorpius - date unkown - Fuji 800 flim
- f/4 - 200 mm lens with a 2x tele convverter to 400mm on an Olympus
OM -1 - 10 minute
M44 - The Beehive Cluster in Cancer - f/4 - 200 mm lens on an
Olympus OM -1 - 10 minute exposure
M8 and M22 - The Lagoon Nebula and Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius - 7/18/98
- Konica 3200 film - f/5.6 - 200 mm lenns on an Olympus OM -1 - 8
M42 - The Great Orion Nebula - date unkown - Fuji 800 flim -
f/4 - 200 mm lens with a 2x tele converter to 400mm on an Olympus OM -1
- 15 minute
Capella and the Kids in Auriga - date unknown - Kodak PPF 400 film
- f//4 - 200 mm lens on an Olympus OM-11 - 10 minute exposure
Mir Passing through Cygnus - 7/24/98 - Kodak Gold 400 film - f/2.8
- 50mm lens on a Pentax K1000 - 7 minutee exposure
The Pleaides (M45) - date unknown- Kodak PPF 400 film - f/4 - 200 mm
lens on an Olympus OM -1 - 15 minute exposure
Double Cluster in Perseus (NGC 869 and 884) - date unknown - Fuji 800
film - f/4 - 200 mm lens with a 2x tele converter to 400mm on an Olympus
OM -1 -
10 minute exposure
Christmas 2000 Partial Solar Eclipse taken using eyepiece projection with a tele-extender through a 25mm eyepiece and a mylar solar filter with an Olympus OM-1 on a Celestron 102 HD refractor
M45 and California Nebula taken with a Pentax K1000 using a 50mm lens - 20 minute exposure
Lightning passing through Cygnus taken on a fixed tripod with a Pentax K1000 using a 50mm lens - 20 second exposure
The Straight Wall taken using eyepiece projection with a variable tele-extender through a 17mm eyepiece with a Pentax K1000 on a Celestron SPC-8
An occultation of Aldebaran by the Moon taken prime focus with a Pentax K1000 on a Celestron SPC-8
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